[center][h1][b]June 9th, New York City, Later that Night[/b][/h1][/center] Cloak took Team Pride back home to the Hostel and returned to New York to reunite Old Lace with Gert. The two were barely separated long, but they acted as if had been years since they had last seen each other. Though he couldn't be one to talk. The moment that he returned to New York he went to embrace Dagger. The two of them had been through so much and there was a time when they each had romantic partners of their own, but their life as heroes and the gods had other plans for them. It felt like the universe was pushing them together and trying to show them that they were more than just the embodiment of balance. They were connected down to the very fiber and essence of their beings. And tonight before they went their separate ways to battle against the forces of evil, they were going to truly explore that connection. Meanwhile Caty and Nathan just came back from stealing from both Stark and Avengers Towers. They had a rather impressive haul and Caty carried her lot in a makeshift web Santa bag. They bought a building with a prebuilt lab to operate in. It was known as the Baxter Building and Nathan hacked into a bank and gave himself a business account with a newly registered LLC and with plenty of funds. He figured since he was going to be here for a while he might as well make himself comfortable as well as prepare for his family's arrival since they'd no longer be living with the X-Men. Once everyone was settled in for the night Caty and Nathan spent the rest of it working on Vision. It took until the morning to fully complete him and when they were done they brought Dagger in. Cloak left to rejoin the others back in LA. Today was the day. Could they stop Ultron and save the World? Nathan plugged in Vision's flashdrive and it was strangely absorbed into the metallic skin of the android. He couldn't believe it. He wasn't even awake and he was already working better than he imagined. Vision absorbed the contents of the flashdrive and once it was all downloaded into his system and memory his eyes opened. Nathan turned to Dagger. [color=669999]"Dagger."[/color] She nodded before approaching Vision with her hand extended. She placed her hand on his forehead and began filling him with the light of her Hope. It resulted in a large flash of harmless light emitting from Vision's eyes before it was clear that there was now life in his eyes. [color=ccffff]"Welcome to the world, Vision. I'm Tandy and this is Nathan and Caty. We're heroes and I guess your parents? We need your help."[/color] [color=73A121]"Vision... That is who I am... Your Vision for a brighter future, yes? Mothers. Father. How may I be of assistance?"[/color] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2dd13116-3d8b-43b9-9664-ba9411338aa4/d6tbm19-a1a16225-74c0-48a8-bd0d-8ae64e02ca2f.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzJkZDEzMTE2LTNkOGItNDNiOS05NjY0LWJhOTQxMTMzOGFhNFwvZDZ0Ym0xOS1hMWExNjIyNS03NGMwLTQ4YTgtYmQwZC04YWU2NGUwMmNhMmYuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.BLKy3Ht9Np-sdhFuf_eBYGYFV1omIAbbVsrlR-KKUVc[/img] [hr] [center][h1][b]June 9th, The Hostel, Same Night[/b][/h1][/center] Alex was nervous when he and the others returned to the Hostel. He knew that he had to talk to Nico, but he was really scared of how she'd react to all of this. That he had been lying to them, her, the entire time. He hoped her love would be enough for him to understand where he was coming from and how he initially thought his actions were selfless, but realized how selfish they really were when he grew close again to their friends. He couldn't imagine betraying them and he's glad that his future self never got the chance. He was going to make sure he wasn't going to betray them in this timeline too. He took her outside to talk underneath the moonlight. She looked so beautiful under the light of the moon. He wanted to look at this face forever. He sighed a bit louder than he meant to. Nico heard and realized something was wrong. She scooted a bit closer to Alex. [color=cc99ff]"Hey, you okay? You're making that face where you have a lot going through your mind."[/color] [color=orange]"I don't know how I've been able to hide this from you for so long... Nico, when I showed you all what our parents were up to it wasn't my first time seeing it. I saw them the year before."[/color] Nico was both shocked and confused. He knew a whole year ago and didn't say anything? Instead of interrupting him the questions running through her mind she decided to let him continue. [color=orange]"I was in denial at first so I went investigating to find answers on my own. I found out about our parents' past, the Gibborim, and how they planned to offer us immortality in the new world. It was all so crazy. Then I found out that Molly and Karolina's parents were planning to kill ours, Gert's, and Chase's because they were human and they were the superior mutants and aliens. I couldn't believe they'd betray their friends and the plan they came up with to save their kids so I came up with a plan to stop them."[/color] [color=cc99ff]"Alex..."[/color] [color=orange]"I used you guys as an Anti-Pride team. I revealed your powers and got Chase the Fistigons and Gert, Old Lace. But I was just as selfish with my goals. I wanted you and I and our parents to walk into this new world. I never believed we'd be able to stop the Gibborim, but I knew we could stop their parents. But I'm done lying. I'm done hiding the truth from you. Tomorrow we face our parents and I want you to know you can trust me. I don't want to lose you or the life we make together."[/color] [color=cc99ff]"Alex... This is a lot to take in. You lied to us and put us all in danger. We can't even live normal lives anymore. Though I guess we couldn't have. Either way our parents were still sacrificing souls for us or for themselves. We could have lost everything without even knowing it, but that doesn't change the fact that you were going to let our friends die so we could be immortal together. The whole world, Alex. I know you love your parents. I do too despite how confusing and evil their actions are. But you were being just as selfish and as evil as them. The whole world and everyone in it, gone. Yeah, it's fucked up and yeah the future Nathan's from is fucked up, but they didn't give up. They didn't give into their selfish desires. He left everything and everyone he knew to come here and save us. That's a hero. That's who I thought you were."[/color] Nico got up, ready to head back inside. Alex grabbed her hand to stop her. [color=orange]"You're right. I'm no hero. I'm selfish as hell, but I don't want to be that. I want to be the man that you and our friends can trust and rely on. I don't want you looking at me the way you are now. In Nathan's time we have a daughter named Jia."[/color] Nico's eyes widened before turning to Alex to hear more. [color=orange]"She's a hero and takes after you. Strong and kind and willing to do whatever to protect the ones she loves."[/color] [color=cc99ff]"It sounds like she got all of that from you. Your intentions may have been good, but your plan wasn't."[/color] Nico interjected. [color=orange]"I know and I want to be someone that she can actually look up to. I want her to know that both of her parents are heroes and that despite the odds and drama we saved the world together."[/color] A small smile crept on Nico's face. Maybe that could happen. She still needed time to wrap her head and heart around everything but she could at least show Alex that she's not furious at him. She leaned down and kissed the top of his afro. [color=cc99ff]"Goodnight, Wilder. Give me some space tonight?"[/color] Alex nodded, understanding. [color=orange]"Yeah, you can take the room. I'll find another spot."[/color] [color=cc99ff]"Thank you."[/color] Nico said before heading inside.