[quote=@Gisk] [@The Irish Tree][@Stern Algorithm] Are we trying to make a unified vision of how the mecha for Project Colossus work? I know we were talking about the reactor core having some kind of intelligence, but I wasn't certain if that's meant to be universal. [/quote] [quote=@The Irish Tree] I imagine that maybe different organizations while unified under Colossus got the same tech, they'd build different kinds of machines. I'm not picky about it, since if we're starting off as semi-real robot pilots then the mechs will start as clunkers anyhow. [/quote] Going off of the alien core idea, to reiterate from the timeline, two Hyperians have visited Earth, dubbed Hyper Man and Hyper Man X. Hyper Man arrived ages ago to monitor humanity, but during the first extraterrestrial incident 20 years ago, his ship was damaged beyond repair. The ship's core, dubbed the Hyper Core, was removed by humans for study and the first giant mecha was built around it, this is the prototype unit. Hyper Man X arrived 4 years ago, relieving the original Hyper Man of his duty and allowing him to return home on X's ship. Study and reverse engineering of the Hyper Core allowed humans to finally create a replica, dubbed the Talos Core, and a second giant mecha was built around it. So there are two mecha, the first has an advanced alien reactor but the mecha itself is older, and the second has an untested, man-made core, but the mecha itself is slightly more advanced than the first. So going off of this dynamic, one of you would be the veteran pilot using the older mech and one the newbie using the newer mech. That's the basic idea I have for now anyways.