[H2][CENTRE][color=fff200][b][ARC 2][/b][/color][/CENTRE][/H2] [H2][CENTRE][color=fff200][b]KUROZUMI HAKU[/b][/color][/CENTRE][/H2] Cadog harrumphed before taking another swig of his rum and offered it to Burnet. “Work like this are tireless and endless, but it’s my seas,” Cadog said as he took a puff from his smoke pipe. “And I’ll be darn before I let a single pirate get their way.” “But the boy should’ve been here now.” He mentioned off-handedly, wondering what’s taking Haku so long. Was there an unexpected complication? Thinking on it, perhaps there was. After all, the original plan was Burnet was the last safety net and if he’s here… Sighing, Cadog twirled the smoke pipe in his hands. “Ach, well, that boy has a long way to go.” “You should also get back into shape, Burnet. If only for the piece of mind.” He commented with a wave of his hand, peaceful and weak as the seas was. Danger always struck when it’s least expected. “Or an apprentice.” “Eitherways, the Marines' doors are always open and we certainly could use more recruits.” — [color=fff200]“...Understood, take care alright.”[/color] Haku muttered after seeing Coriander resolve. He doubt she’ll be fine but if that’s her decision, then he’ll respect it but he wasn’t about to sit back and do nothing if he could help it. Seeing the whole situation however, he briefly wondered if Coriander was born under an unlucky star to have something like that happen to her at the worse possible moment. As he see her off and disappearing into the town hall, Haku quickly went back into the forest for an inspection. There’s no telling if there are any more stragglers, even with the traps and Burnet together. One question however lingered in his mind as he briefly checked himself. He had his mask on, his clothing, down to even the sound and hairstyle was at complete odds. Not unless someone from Wano recognized the style. So how did Coriander even knew it was him right from the get-go? Idly, Haku sniffed himself whether it was the scent that gave it away. [color=fff200]Something to consider.[/color] That thought flashed as he quickly made his way to the pirates cove. — Just as Cadog finished his words, Haku appeared from the shadows, landing on his knees and head bowed towards Cadog as the shades of trees and rocky outcrops masked him from others. The latter noticed Burnet still next to him but continued nevertheless, from other perspectives, it was simply Cadog and Burnet having a long conversation. “Sloppy work, I expected better of you.” [color=fff200]“Apologies, there were…complications. A young girl named Coriander was kidnapped and I had to adjust my plan.”[/color] Haku added and raised his head at that, showing his face mask markings. [color=fff200]“She’s safe.”[/color] “Hmph, Burnet here had to clean your mess.” Cadog said before his gaze maintained for a moment longer. “You also let them get a shot off? For shame.” [color=fff200]“I have no excuses.”[/color] Haku lowered his head in shame at that as the clothing had a thin red line of dried blood. He lost his cool and in the moment, had allowed himself to be grazed. “Practice your observation more, even in combat. You’re still relying too much on your natural senses.” [color=fff200]“Understood.”[/color] Cadog rummaged underneath his coat, digging for a moment before tossing a small roll of bandage to Haku. The latter caught it without looking. “Fix yourself up, and take a rest to reflect on your mistake.” Cadog said and moved out, leaving Haku with Burnet for a bit. [color=fff200]“Sorry for troubling you.”[/color] Haku replied.