[color=007236][centre][h2]Berserker[/h2][/centre][/color] It was decided then; for this first night of the war they were to go on the offensive. That approach suited Hang Jebat just fine; even if he were not in his current form he would have approved of a direct approach over a more passive one and he appreciated the fact that his master could be decisive when presented with a division. But the Servant couldn’t help but wonder whether or not the young mage truly knew what he was getting himself into and whether he would hold up once the fighting began in earnest. The sword that Shou carried at his side was a good sign, but carrying a sword did not necessary come with the attitude or the willingness to use it. Berserker’s knowledge of this era told him that it was a relatively peaceful one and there were many young men Shou’s age that had never experienced combat, never seen death, or dealt it themselves. Perhaps Shou was an exception, he had entered a war of his own accord after all, or perhaps he was just naïve and optimistic. Time would tell. [color=007236]“Let us get the lay of the land first; scouting can be useful even if it does not reveal the enemy.”[/color] Acquiring first-hand knowledge of landmarks and the terrain would be useful when it came to setting up or escape ambushes. If they were lucky, they would stumble across one of the more conspicuous Servants while they were at it. [color=007236]“Once we have our bearings, we can move with less subtlety and see if anyone notices.”[/color] [@Iamme]