[center][h3]── [i]Kerbera Slitherfangs[/i] ──[/h3] [h3][i]Porjkat[/i][/h3][/center] Eventually Kerbera found steady ground from the boat she had been trapped on for the last few weeks. A port city dubbed Porjkat from what she gleamed in passing conversations while on board the ship. There was a steady hustle and bustle of people, those coming off the ship and workers who were going on board to collect whatever supplies that were brought along for trade purposes. Kerbera followed along with other passengers to where the docks met the actual land where soon she was somewhat forced to be interrogated by some underling of the port master to gain knowledge of those entering the country itself. "Name?" Came the short one word question from a small, stout man who seemed to have more interest in the book he was writing in over whoever he was speaking too, making Kerbera sigh in irritation before answering. "Kerbera Slitherfangs," She replied with was answered with hasty scribbling from the man before more questions came. Ranging from her species, which gave the man pause and finally looked up from his scribbling to see that Kerbera was indeed an amalgamation of gnoll and dragonkin. Once he gave his quick look he continued with asking her reason of visit which seemed to annoy him as Kerbera merely stated travel which was true. Her reason on leaving her homeland felt even mysterious to her. A need or gut feeling that going to Skara was important, but why escaped her. Eventually after mentioning the gnoll goddess Shaar, he simply muttered something about just putting it down as religious pilgrimage. After a good hour of questioning and answering. Kerbera was finally freed from the irritating old man, and given a few helpful directions from a fellow that was just outside the port when asked where she could find a place for supplies, a map, and at least a place to stay for a day if need be. Soon she made her way down the streets uncertain of where the winds would take her next.