The purple sky above Pastara went dark. The citizens however, were ready. The civilians were rushing into bunkers, as this attack by the Frieza Force was anticipated. Several base ships were hovering in the sky as soldiers flew out, ready to fight. The Pastarans were no pushovers though. They were a race akin to large frogs, which made them skilled at acrobatics. They readied their weapons, mostly spears with energy tips. Tanks and weaponized vehicles hummed across the streets, attempting to lure the soldiers into the wastelands. The city had sky scrapers and were made of greenish blue stone. A commander, Spaghet, boomed orders as hundreds of Soldiers came in. As the tanks made it to the outskirts of the city, 4 invasion pods crashed into the ground, crushing two of the leading tanks, and cutting off the rest from leaving the city, at least from their original route. From one of these pods, a woman with dark pink hair and green skin emerged. She pressed the button on her scouter. The tanks had a power level of 400, not too bad. Though the life-forms inside seemed to have 150 at best. She pressed the comms button on her scouter. [color=ff0066]"Captain Rhubari, here. Remember the orders, boys. No survivors, collateral damage is allowed. Let's have some fun. Once we finish up, we fly to the next city and do it all again, removing any and all obstacles."[/color] Inside one of the tanks, the Pastaran began to panic. "Wh-what is that!? They destroyed two tanks already!" Rhubari held out both of her hands in front of her and shouted. [color=ff0066]"Rude Blaster!" A beam of pink energy shot from her hands, destroying one line of the tanks. By this moment, several soldiers had arrived and with a battle cry, rushed at the invaders. One of them jumped high in the air. Rhubari's scouter beeped. [color=ff0066]"200? Not bad little guy."[/color] She took a defensive pose, and the jumping Pastaran's tongue lashed out, sticking to her arm. He attempted to pull her in, but was instead pulled toward her. She smirked. [color=ff0066]"Good try."[/color] She punched with her other arm right as he was pulled into range and her fist sunk into his chest, killing him instantly. His energy spear dropped helplessly to the ground. Rhubari stood in a ready pose and advanced upon the foot soldiers. [color=ff0066]"For Lord Frieza!"