[center] [color=pink][h3]The Incorrigible Iceburn![/h3][/color] [u]Interactions[/u] Infiltrator Team[/center] [color=pink][hr][/color] [color=pink]"On it, bossman."[/color] Iceburn said, moving up with Quiver. [color=pink["Let's rob these suckers blind."[/color] She ran along side everyone. No normal door could stop her with her ability to essentially make controlled explosives, and reseal them all in one go. Needless to say, she felt pretty badass. Kass was obscuring them as they went, which meant they got the drop on the four bad guys. [color=pink]"Let's each take one."[/color] She whispered. [color=pink]"I got the sonic emitter guy!"[/color] She ran out from their hiding spot and jumped ontop of a nearby crate, propelling herself off of it and into the air. She punched the air with her palm, creating a rotating, crackling ball of cryomantic energy. Then she slammed into it with her other hand, sending it out like a rocket towards the man with the sonic emitter on the left of the four person guard team. It would detonate at his feet, looking to send him flying back into the wall or into the ground. Assuming her teammates had her back, she would surge forward and send a two handed wave of ice energy to freeze him to where he had stuck, immobilizing him and preventing him from using any communication devices. [color=pink]"Ice to meet you- nevermind."[/color]