[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/tbIvwoy.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240504/7ea89157aa7490b85c1faa2a61df7e74.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: The Northern Forest Outside of Dawnhaven[/sub][/cell][/row][/table] Although she remained silent and feigned ignorance, Kira knew that the Prince's lapdog was tailing her. She could feel his eyes on her, smell his scent, hear his heart beat, and the distant crunch of his shoes on the dirt. He was skilled, she'd give him that, but her new abilities granted her an enhanced awareness that he wasn't able to get around. She wondered how far he would track her into the woods; it almost felt like a game. Had the Prince tasked Orion with making sure she behaved? Kira briefly considered using her psychic magic to pry into his thoughts, but dismissed the idea as a waste of time. The last time she had tried that on a blight-born it had drained her energy with little reward. Instead, she decided to revel in the mystery and wait for him to reveal himself. Rather than worry about him, she focused on her next meal. Humans were hard to come by while living in Dawnhaven, which was unfortunate. The Prince made it a point to know each and every individual personally, so anyone suddenly going missing would be noticed. This forced her to look outside the village, which was frustrating at times. As the weather grew harsher, the weary road travelers were beginning to disappear, and military patrols became less frequent. While humans were the most satisfying, they weren't her only option. For the past month, she had been sustaining herself on animals: squirrels, rabbits, deer — anything she could hunt to avoid preying on the innocent citizens of Dawnhaven. She felt disgusted with herself nearly every time, but it had become necessary. The refuge Dawnhaven provided was too valuable to give up. At least for now. Suddenly, the scent of human blood hit Kira like a brick wall. She halted in her tracks, her eyes dilating and mouth salivating. It had been so long since she had come in contact with human blood... Her eyes darted back toward town, taking note of the oblivious Aurelian guards. Then, her bright orange eyes found Orion, revealing to him that she knew exactly where he was. She locked eyes with him for a brief moment, silently asking if he, too, could smell what she did. The prospect of a human to feed on was tantalizing, but the scent's proximity to town was concerning. Had someone been attacked without the guards noticing? Reaching into her girdle, Kira pulled out a [url=https://imgur.com/2rTerYn]hidden dagger[/url] and bolted toward the scent. She didn't want to alert the town if it was a false alarm, but she would handle any threat herself if there was one. Plus, she was certain Orion would be on her heels soon enough. Coming up on the target, Kira slowed her pace and quietly moved off the path, weaving between the trees of the dense forest. Although she had been highly skilled in stealth all her life, the blight had altered her eyes so drastically that they now gave off a glow. In the eternal darkness, she was hard to miss unless she had her eyes closed. It was one of the more infuriating things the blight had taken from her. Crouching now, Kira stepped lightly as she moved closer to the beast that was giving off such a strong smell of fresh blood. She crept near a bush, narrowing her eyes as she peered at the creature through it's dying leaves. [color=DC561E]“[i]A man... [/i]”[/color] she thought, watching him bite into the squirming body of a squirrel. [color=DC561E]“[i]Blight-Born....[/i]”[/color] She stayed silent, observing. His clothing was drenched in human blood, which explained the scent she had picked up on from so far away. But why was he feeding on a squirrel now if he had clearly just slayed people? [color=ed1c24]"I know where you are. Come out! Face me!" [/color] As he turned towards her, Kira raised a brow at the mans own glowing red eyes. Someone who had the same affliction as her? Now [i]this[/i] was interesting. Kira gripped her dagger more securely, ready to jam it into the mans jugular if he advanced towards her. Blight-Born were unpredictable, and though she was curious, she wasn't about to trust him. He seemed rabid, unable to control his hunger. Slowly, Kira stood from the cover of the bushes to reveal herself to him, her dagger hidden in her hand beneath her black cloak. [color=DC561E]“Such a shame.”[/color] She sighed, looking towards the lifeless body of the squirrel on the ground and resisting the urge to check where Orion was. [color=DC561E]“You took my snack.”[/color] She pouted and locked eyes with the stranger, holding the pout for a moment before her gaze hardened. Kira stepped forward, her glowing eyes narrowing as she assessed the blood-covered figure. [color=DC561E]“Why do you reek of human blood?”[/color] She asked bluntly, [color=DC561E]“Answer carefully now. I have little patience for liars.”[/color] Her voice was cold, each word laced with with an undercurrent of threat. [hr] [sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Orion [@Qia], Willis [@BOOM][/sub]