[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]On the Road[/h3][/center] [color=d9457c][i]"With your skills as a diplomat, I shall be expecting you to serve as my aide upon our arrival at the capital."[/i][/color] Not halfway through the journey, and she was already being subordinated? That Remilia sure was a haughty one... Fortunately for the vampire, though, Anne didn't particularly dislike her brazen confidence. Though she sighed under her breath, the Knight answered the call with a resigned and nostalgic smile. "Normally I'd have to charge you for that kind of service, Lady Remilia. But since it's all for a good cause, we'll call it even if you can get the needed results." For better or worse, she'd make a deal with the Scarlet Devil, and put her faith in the other woman's abilities. She seemed to fit the mold of a court lady much better than Anne did anyhow, and it'd be nice to have someone serving as a metaphorical shield between her and any overeager aristocrats. [i]Being forced to marry one evil emperor was enough for this lifetime, thank you very much...[/i] The conversation carried on, but besides the sensible suggestion of splitting up into teams to investigate further, much of it went over Anne's head. Fran wasn't a chimera, but a superpowered ghost? Mokou was actually a noble, and could resurrect herself besides? The sudden flow of unexpected information was nearly enough to give the Knight a headache, though she chipped in with her own minor contribution. "I'm not sure if my techniques have counterparts here, but the technology I'm carrying should be well beyond anything this world has developed." To demonstrate, she raised one hand and brushed it against the sleeve of her coat, which briefly revealed a glowing forcefield of interconnected hexagons floating just above the material. "Of course, it might just get brushed off as more magic... If I had some proper tools, it'd be easier to prove it directly." Another task for when they reached the capital, perhaps. In the meantime, Anne followed along with Sanae as she sought out someone to fill them in, and once the essential questions were done with she smoothly walked up and introduced herself by name. And, she wondered, what did he go by? See, she and her companions had never seen the capital before, but surely he must know the place well—perhaps he could suggest some landmarks or historical sites to go and visit. She assumed the ruling family lived there, right? Ah, and where there were lofty nobles there would always be rumors and gossip surrounding them, which might make for an entertaining topic of conversation, especially if he'd met any local aristocrats and had some stories to share... And so it went. It wasn't just about gathering info, but about building a relationship, getting this trader and his fellows a little more comfortable talking with the otherworlders in general. An ongoing project that proceeded over the next several days, with Anne approaching merchant and mercenary alike to make small talk and gentle inquiries. When she wasn't resting or chatting up the rest of the caravan, she tried to spend some time with the remaining otherworlders as well... Who were all beginning to feel a little less like strangers by now. Say, would Lewa mind if she took a closer look at his mechanisms? Joker clearly knew how to handle a dagger, but she had a few tips to improve his performance. Why [i]could[/i] half the group seem to fly, especially everyone from Gensokyo? Fran didn't seem much for conversation anyway, but as time passed and Anne watched her gather flowers and weave them carefully together, the Knight's expression slowly shifted from wariness to curiosity. ...Until, as inevitable as the coming of the dawn, the tides of war washed over them all once again. [hr] [i]Monsters.[/i] Nothing like the things Anne was used to fighting, but clearly inhuman nonetheless. Though she wore a grim expression, the fact relieved her: this way she could cut them all down without remorse. This time, no one would have to die. Fran was off like a rocket, already on top of the priority target. For her part, Anne considered for a moment, dividing up forces in her head. "Wide-area attackers should focus on clearing where the enemy's most concentrated—that's you, Mokou, along with Sanae and Fran. Joker, Lewa, see if you can deal with the ones trickling around and then hit the main horde from the back? Lady Remilia, I request ranged support, along with healing for any of us that go down... Rayne, watch from above for weak points and shore them up however you can. If you can spot key targets or enemy leaders, signal those of us on the ground." She hadn't spotted Youmu yet in all of this, but knowing that girl, she might well be in the thick of the fight already. Of course, Anne had no way of guaranteeing that the others would follow along with her tactical advice. Even so, she trusted that their combined firepower would be enough to cleanly mop up a swarm of enemy infantry. She was more concerned about the possibility of a nasty surprise—and thus set off at a steady pace up the hills, seeking out a central position roughly overlooking the entire battlefield. "I'll be joining in too, this time."