[b][i]Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya[/i][/b] Lorenzo got down from his motorbike, nodded, and said, [b]"Forgive us for the interruption indeed, but alas, the Grail War calls us to a fight to the death; sad that such a ritual, developed from an even older rite meant to safeguard the Grand Order, has devolved into this."[/b] As he looked around for more spiders and other potential familiars, the youth spoke to Gajah Mada through their servant bond, [i]A Kris would give away part of your identity; while statues of St. Michael in my homeland have a Kris, it would be a stretch to claim that you are an Archanagel... Either way, I heard something one of these Servants being 'Rogue'; that might be something we need elaborated on. Before you engage, pump them for information -[/i] [b][i]Constantine XI Shielder Lily[/i][/b] [hider=Boy on a Motorbike][img]https://i.imgur.com/brnQluU.jpeg[/img][/hider] Constantine XI Shielder Lily interrupted, [b]"Milady, you came just in time to hear my theorizing, theorizing so important that even if you were a Turk, I'd be giving you the needed information because, well, let's just say that the people who repurposed the Fuyuki Grail Ritual without full knowledge of its contents, the oh-so-illustrious Fujiwara Clan, screwed up the ritual while in one of the most mystically-significant areas of Japan. Now there are an unknown number of Rogue Servants roaming around; Masterless Servants who subsist on Leylines and other Mana-rich areas to survive. The problem is, not only does this affect our mobility, as we mostly cannot sustain ourselves outside of Leylines, but some of us have taken to killing animals and humans - Or just seducing people for 'Mana Transfer', in order to get around that restriction."[/b] He looked at Jan, then Lorenzo and Saber, before saying, [b]"I'm no Ruler, but [i]the Dead cannot lead the living[/i]. Not just that, but if the threat to innocent lives does not move any of you, there's the fact that Rogue Servants like me can form [i]temporary[/i] contracts with a Master and thus aid them in battle in exchange for Mana after a strong-enough bond has been made."[/b] A smile that widened, seemingly lighting up the night, such was the enthusiasm and joy in it, before he continued, [b]"So here's the deal; the one who defeats me will have a bond strong enough to gain my allegiance. What do you say?"[/b] [@GubGar] [@randomguy] [b][i]Oleg-Marie Animusphere[/i][/b] Oleg-Marie Animusphere bowed a little in deference as he faced Kayneth's familiar, saying, [b]"Lord El-Melloi, my father, Marisbury, seeks the Grail in order to amass enough resources to create a system that will generate a simulation of Earth, which will then bleach itself and then use Displacement Magecraft to substitute the Real World's surface with its own bleached one, thus allowing this system, CHALDEAS, to send agents to plant 'Lostbelt Trees' that allow timelines pruned by Gaea to reconstruct themselves on the bleached world. This in turn are preparations for my father to make CHALDEAS the [i]new[/i] foundation of the Human Order which will then be strengthened to the point where Humanity will be the dominant species of existence... But at the cost of being lower than cockroaches."[/b] He then gives several documents to Kayneth's familiar, saying, [b]"Here; documents that prove my case - I risked my life trying to get them from Father's files. I also know one of the Masters in this Grail War; Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya, a Half-Asian grandson of Sealing Designate Noritaka Emiya - He's fighting for the Holy Church separately from its Overseer for some reason..."[/b] Through their telepathic bond, Oleg whispered to Puss, [i]And... Done. Father should be sending assassins after me right now that I've betrayed him. And if Lord El-Melloi sides with them, well, it's going to be a fight for survival, not victory. You all right with that?[/i] [@GOATPlumber][@ManyThings]