[center] [img] https://i.ibb.co/z6KmDsm/arachne.png [/img] [/center] [hr] Unbeknownst to the trio of servants and one master who recently arrived, they are being watched, not by a sneaking Assassin looking for a prey to slay but an intrigued Caster waiting to see how the situation will unfold through the eyes of her spider. [b][color=ec008c]“They just shouted their names for everyone to hear.”[/color][/b] she commented with a look of disbelief as she watched the barbarian princess enter the fray. [b][color=ec008c]“Emperor Constantine the IX and Jan Sobieski, not the strongest of servants but they definitely deserve their position.”[/color][/b] she commented as she looked at the rogue servant, a chance to gain an ally is an opportunity they should take. [b][color=ec008c]“We should intervene, Master, this might be your only chance to get a second servant.” [/color][/b] she decided as she approached the loom. [color=ec008c][b]“But not before taking advantage of their oversight.”[/b][/color] she said she began weaving a tapestry. Names rarely if ever was chosen, it is something that someone picked for you. Yet it will follow you and your deeds will be labeled with it. A servant with her name known would be like an open book but with Arachne here, it is also a pathway to face their most shameful moments. Yes with the power of her Noble Phantasm and knowledge of the names of two servants, she began making a tapestry one that can be said equal to her masterpiece torn by Athena. [color=ec008c][b][center][h1]“Ταπισερί Αράχνης”[/h1] "Tapiserí Aráchnis" [/center][/b][/color] [hr] [b][i][color=ec008c][center]For the rogue Shielder, was the story of a glorious empire ruled by monarchs both good and bad. An empire that is on its final legs yet still trying to live. And who destroyed that wish, who destroyed that hope? That’s right, stupid, moronic Emperor Constantine the IX did, if only he was a better statesman, a better warrior or a better leader his kingdom would still be standing to this day. And he had the gall to come back? Go away you useless piece of shit. [/center] [/color][/i][/b] [hr] [b][i][color=ec008c][center]For the stalwart Rider was tribute to his deeds, as a warrior and as a king he fought valiantly and became the shield of their nation she cannot deny that. She could speak of his missteps but his deeds had made it justified. So she’s only going to ask, why did you leave your wife alone, in a court that hates her? Why was it that when there’s no more battles to fight, he chose to just lay himself down and die? She thought he was a faithful man? So much for a faithful husband. [/center] [/color][/i][/b] [hr] With her pair of tapestries done, she turned to her master and had her spiders make her more strings for the upcoming battle. [color=ec008c]“That was enough preparation, I hope you have formulated a course of action now.”[/color] she spoke between ragged breaths. Using her Noble Phantasm, twice in the row took some wind off her sails. [@Randomguy] [@Letter Bee] [@GubGar] [@Double D]