[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wi7IBym.png[/img] [h2][b][color=fff79a]Rider - Jan Sobieski[/color][/b][/h2] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] An abandoned lot in Kyoto [b][u]Interacting with:[/u][/b] [@Letter Bee] [@Randomguy][/center] [hr] Jan was barreling towards Constantine, his Lance ready to pierce right through him. The Rider-Class servant was eager to see how his foe would handle the step up in intensity, though he still was not going all out, neither was he letting his opponent lead. The size-changing Lance was on a crash course towards him. Would he try to defend? Dodge? Counter? Perhaps utilize some unique Servant ability!.. All that to say, the last thing Jan expected Constantine's move to be, was to turn to talk to the newcomer who arrived. As Saber arrived with her master in tow and introduced herself, Constantine turned away from his foe to speak to her. Jan skids to a halt, a screech occurring similar to a car's breaks being abruptly pushed down. The Lance hangs in the air, an inch away from Constantine's chest. Jan exhales in a combination of relief and exasperation, shakes his head, and steps back. Pulling his weapon with him. It was at that moment that Jan truly realized how [i]young[/i] his opponent was. This was the great Emperor, to be certain. But a youthful version of him.. Not yet fully battle hardened. [b][color=fff79a]"A word of advice, Shielder.. You ought to be a bit less trusting in circumstances such as this. You had no guarantee I would be courteous enough to stop my lance, regardless of the new arrivals! Historical figures are not simply what are written, after all. I could have been an opportunist."[/color][/b] Despite implying he might have struck Constantine down, Jan turns to face the newcomers as well, Lance still at the ready, but not poised for immediate hostility. He takes in the newly arrived Servant and Master combo. What he saw made him grimace. After all, as a defender of Christendom, he really wasn't sure if he'd be able to attack a nun! Mercifully, the outfit vanished and was replaced with another. Just a disguise, then. What a relief. The new servant seemed quite capable, so it did not come as much surprise when she introduced herself as one of the Three Knight Classes. [b][color=fff79a]"Servant, Rider. Well met, Saber! No apologies necessary, I was quite public in my open challenge, it would be rather silly of me to be irritated when further company arrives because of it."[/color][/b] That, and, crossing weapons with a capable foe from seemingly far off lands was an opportunity Jan did not want to miss. But before that, it seemed the Emperor was ready to address the question Jan had for him. The Polish King listens patiently as Constantine explained what he knew.. Tampering with the Grail, how shameful.. Jan did not like the sound nor feel of this, not one bit. And these Rogue Servants, if what the Emperor said were true, they were a threat to the safety of the people of this city. Starved Heroic Spirits who required mana at any cost.. [b][color=fff79a]"It seems to me that those of us who desire the Grail War to be an honorable battlefield have a second duty beyond defeating those intentionally summoned, then. I have no interest in a victory that tastes of innocent blood. Very well, Shielder! Your challenge is certainly unusual for a battlefield such as a Grail War, but that merely makes it all the more exciting! What say you, Saber?!"[/color][/b]