[h1][centre][color=ed1c24]Willis Philips[/color][/centre][/h1] [hr] [hider=My Hider] [color=DC561E]“Such a shame.”[/color] She sighed, looking towards the lifeless body of the squirrel on the ground and resisting the urge to check where Orion was. [color=DC561E]“You took my snack.”[/color] She pouted and locked eyes with the stranger, holding the pout for a moment before her gaze hardened. Kira stepped forward, her glowing eyes narrowing as she assessed the blood-covered figure. [color=DC561E]“Why do you reek of human blood?”[/color] She asked bluntly, [color=DC561E]“Answer carefully now. I have little patience for liars.”[/color] Her voice was cold, each word laced with with an undercurrent of threat. [/hider] Willis is unaware that his thoughts are exposed to Kira's psychic probing. [color=ed1c24]"Oh! Uh..."[/color] Willis' arm twitches, fighting the urge to rip out his blade as he takes a closer look at the lean, cloaked figure. He sees a tussel of red hair peaking out from under Kira's dark hood, and light freckles pronouncing her face. They peer at each other under the absolute shade of tall pines, eyes glowing red and orange. She's so pretty... he thinks. Wait, no! Snap out of it! The glow of her eyes confirms that she is a blight-born. Gosh, they are beautiful... gah! Focus! I am ticking up her threat level. Willis wipes the blood coating his lips with his palm, glancing at her feet as Kira gets closer to him without making a single sound. Damn, how is her footsteps so silent? She's trained in stealth... Those footwork looks like she knows how to fight too. Raising her threat level again. I can't see what she's holding... [color=ed1c24]"I got attacked by the baron's men! I kid you not, they chased me for an entire night, then cornered me at a mountain's pass, and killed my pony! I had to defend myself..."[/color] Willis talks quickly, wildly gesticulating with his hands as he takes a step back. He is picking up Kira's scent now, a strange fragrance of flowers, tubers, herbs and spice. Is she a herbalist? And another scent trailing behind her... she's got backup. Ticking up her threat level again. It seems like killing her wouldn't solve any of my problems, he thinks to himself. Welp, you know what this means... He drops to his hands and knees. [color=ed1c24]"Please don't judge me! Hurting them was not my intention! I just want to get to Dawnhaven and finally catch a good night's sleep... Can you help a brotha out?"[/color] He asks, in a hopeful voice. [hr] Interactions: [@The Muse] Kira Mentions: [@Qia] Orion