Imma start spitting some opinions. Hear me out... Star Wars: Hunters It is fun, and I like it. It's the first class-based shooter/combat game I've tried and for the few days that I've played it, I have had fun with every moment of it, especially with Sentinel, dear God is he ever fun to play as. Just playing the game is fun, I like the mechanics and you don't need to throw money at it to have fun, I hope it grows a lot. Now, for a lesser known Pokémon/Fighting game, Pokkén Tournament DX This game has made me want to both punch a hole in the wall and eat the dry wall. It is so mechanical in the best ways possible for a fighting game, especially if you play a technical based character like Darkrai. His mechanics are hard to learn but so fun once you learn them. There is much more I could say, but this would go on for hours...