[center][color=9e005d][h1]Widolaic von Vestra[/h1][/color][/center] [right][indent][sub][color=#C0C2C9]Location:[/color] Garreg Mach Monastery - Classroom[/sub][/indent][/right][hr] Viddle had been through her fair share of icebreakers and introductions as she’d circuited the various courts of the Empire. She’d heard no small number of bold, heroic claims of glory, or suave attempts at [i]mingling[/i], or curt and unaffected dismissals. The nobility in Adrestria could at times be stuffy and overly formal, but there was a familiar comfort in being around countrymen, even those you didn’t particularly like. It was clear to her that comfortability was continent-wide, simply by its absence among the students who introduced themselves here. It reminded her less of the socialite’s dance of a court, and more of the guarded, gaudy masks worn at Ulrich’s estate in the earliest years of his game. And how could she blame them? As exciting an opportunity as this academy was, who wouldn’t have doubts being surrounded by strangers from foreign lands. Many of them might be like her, never having stepped foot outside of their own countries. A degree of sympathy was in order. The leaders of the other Houses introduced themselves. Auberon seemed knightly much in the same way Johann did, which was to say, outwardly. Where Johann had a myriad of dependable rumors supporting his character, she had no such network prepared for the Galatea heir. Was his piety a front, or did his beliefs lean closer to her dear cousin’s? Conversely, the leader of the Golden Deer, Jorah, was much less reserved, which she almost instinctively took to mean the opposite. But she stopped herself there—she had promised herself she would not be unfair. Instead, until proven otherwise, she would take his joviality at face-value. Something told her levity would be a precious commodity within these walls, and she was glad she wouldn’t be attempting to distribute it alone. Though they were not house leaders, Clarissa and Lienna were intriguing nonetheless. Viddle found the Edmund girl to be endearingly straightforward, almost soldierly, but was pleasantly surprised to see the sort of fluster and exasperation the Riegan heir afflicted her with. Lienna, on the other hand, seemed starkly out of place. She liked warmth, she disliked cold, she hoped for things that sounded like they had been written out for her on a card. New to the noble stage, perhaps, but unshaken by it. Hopefully she would not be overwhelmed; Viddle doubted the courts of other nations were any kinder to newcomers than the Empire. A part of her thought she ought to wait until Adelaide went, but when her cousin did not move to introduce herself, Viddle decided she would go ahead. Standing, she smiled to the others and gave a polite bow of her head, hands clasped together. “[color=9e005d]Hello! My name is Widolaic von Vestra, but most just call me Viddle. I hail from the Adrestian Empire, and bear the crest of Lamine. I’m quite fond of magic, but I’m even fonder of conversation. I think most of all, I’m excited to meet so many new and interesting people, and it’s my sincerest hope that we might call each other friends by the end of all this. Please, consider my hand always extended.[/color]” She nodded, content, and started to sit before jolting and rising quickly back up. “[color=9e005d]Oh—and I very much dislike insects.[/color]” She sat down again, smile still lingering on her face. Frankly, she didn’t think she could do away with it even if she wanted to.