[center][color=9e0b0f][b]QUIVER[/b][/color][/center] [b][color=ed1c24]“You want [i]me[/i] to take point? Now you sound like a leader.”[/color][/b] Quiver called out to Rain while running ahead alongside Iceburn. Quiver felt a chilled wind as he ran alongside her– shivers running throughout his body. An interesting phenomenon considering how hot and muggy the environment had been. Quiver watched his teammate leap out from their spot and deftly launch herself into the air. He took a moment to admire her as she used her cryomancy to immediately make one of the four guards in their way a complete non-issue. Quiver watched as a beam of cold blasted the enemy, freezing the guard mid-cry. He smirked – Iceburn was truly a force to be reckoned with. He knocked an arrow and lined up a shot – directly at the guard in a block of ice. Running at full speed directly at him, Quiver fired. An arrow that at first glance ended with a single steal tip suddenly expanded in a moment, forming into what looked like a boxing glove. It smacked hard against the block of ice and it began to teeter over it. The young hooded hero didn’t stop his pace, he leapt atop the frozen guard and with enough of the momentum he slid across the ground using the poor soul as a makeshift surfboard. Using the momentum, Quiver jumped high into the air as his makeshift board crashed against a series of crates – almost letting Will soar over the remaining guards. Two arrows fired off rapidly at the nearest guard. The helmeted KOBRA guard aimed his weapon at the scarlet hero. By all accounts he had him dead to rights. He pulled the trigger, but instead of the satisfaction of blasting this punk kid superhero wannabe, his gun exploded backwards, a near giant wave of hardening foam quickly enveloping his entire body. He tried quickly to turn and run, but it was already thickening and he couldn’t swim with the tide. Soon a hulking hard foam statue was hunched over the walkway. Quiver had time to narrowly avoid a shock blast fired in his direction – it sent him sprawling, rolling along the ground where he landed with a crash against a metallic door.