[h3] Anna and Cason [/h3] Anna glanced over as Nat and Cason spoke, sighing to herself. She knew that Cason was the most careless of all of them, due to him being extremely hard to kill. But with her limited knowledge of demons, she also knew that demons definitely knew how to take each other out. The thought made her nervous, and she turned her head away from them, toward the open field and the barn of chaos they were about to walk into. Cason tilted his head to the side, not quite convinced by Nat’s words, but her request stuck with him and he took a deep breath through his nose, turning his eyes from her to nod his head. He couldn’t promise her that he wouldn’t come out of this worse for wear. He was already a target to most demons that he knew, and from the smell of things, he knew at least half of the assholes inside that barn. “I will do the best I can.”, he answered bluntly, with a soft smile, reserved only for Nat. He resisted the urge to pull her back to him, as she stepped away, a gut feeling telling him that she was safer with him, than not. He had to remove whatever this human worry was, and focus. She would either be okay, or she wouldn’t. At this point, there wasn’t much of an option to change any minds. As she came back, with her weapon of choice, squared up and ready to go, he once again took a deep breath through his nose, part frustration and part concern. But instead of stopping her, once again, he nodded with a fake attempt at a confident smile, “I’ll see you on the other side. Be smart. Don’t get yourself killed.” ——- At the base of the hill, Cason stepped up in front of the building, in plain view of the demons there. At first they didn’t notice him, and Anna reached out a hand, grabbing his arm and hissing at him, “Don’t. Follow the plan.” Cason glanced down at her hand, and smirked with a nod, stepping back out of their eye sight, until he turned to look around the side of the building and saw Nat land a good shot against a demon, drawing attention to herself. With gritted teeth, his eyes turned black and an unnatural panic settled in his chest. “Hey boys! How’s it goin’?! Pretty night we got here!” He called out to the distracted demons in the front. To his surprise, they didn’t immediately attack. Instead, they stood, their knees slightly bent as they watched him closely, waiting for him to attack, or do something. “I think you got a real nice place here. Party? Wake?” He fake pouted, as he joked, and one of the demons recognized him, growling a little more audibly. Anna, though momentarily frozen in place by Cason’s stupidity, slipped away from him, and behind a tractor nearby. She walked as gently as she possibly could, before jumping onto one of the demon’s back. She covered his mouth and with both hands, wrapping her legs around his waist as he fell onto his back, directly onto her body. The fall knocked the wind out of her, and she saw stars, but she didn’t loosen her grip, as his skin melted and eventually, he wilted into nothing but bones and boiling blood. She laid there, relaxing her body for a moment as she tried to regain the breath that was knocked out of her. As she laid there, she hadn’t realized the chaos that was beginning to unfold around her. A body entered her field of fuzzy vision, and she reached her hands out to try and defend herself, but the body slumped and fell to the ground, smoke flowing out of its mouth and into the night sky. Cason stood there, nudging Anna’s leg with his foot, “Get up. C’mon! I can’t do this on my own, and neither can your boyfriend…” Anna growled in frustration and shoved herself off the ground, standing to her feet to get back into the fight. She didn’t even have time to attack anyone, as she was tackled, right back onto her back again. “What a pretty little thing Cason has picked up and you can melt demons?!” The demon teased her as he wrapped his hands around her throat. His palms began to smoke and he growled in anger, pulling his jacket sleeves over his hands and going right back to the grip around her throat, tightening down to the point that she couldn’t even begin to feel breath trying to enter her lungs. She slapped at his face, trying to make contact with her bare hands, but her arms weren’t long enough as he pressed her harder into the ground. Before she passed out, she felt a glove being placed on each hand, and then everything went black. [h3] Dean [/h3] Dean reached a hand out, as Nat pulled her bow string back, ready to tell her to wait until they were all in position. When the arrow made the sickening thud, Dean winced, but lifted an eyebrow. It was a good shot. He would have to tell her about it later, as he didn’t want to yell out to her across the barn. Much to his dismay, several demons turned at the sound. The farm was super quiet, and so even the sound of a body dropping onto the gravel was enough to echo throughout the barn. “Dammit.” Dean groaned, and then heard Cason’s voice echo through the night, like another arrow piercing the air. Dean closed his eyes tightly, having known it would be Cason that would ruin everything. He waited a moment, hiding behind a wall, and a demon passed him, right on cue. “Hey…dickhead.” And before the demon could even get a good look at him, he reached into his jacket pocket and tossed a handful of salt into the demons eyes. The demon backed up, pawing at it’s eyes while groaning, and Dean stepped forward, pulling another handful of salt. He wrapped his arm around the demon’s neck and shoved the handful of salt in his mouth, holding his mouth shut as he fought like hell. After a moment, Dean removed his hand, and the demon smoked out, running like a coward. The body fell to the ground and Dean ran toward the girls, not even sure where they ended up. It was then that he remembered he had Ruby’s knife in his hand, as he was tackled to the ground by a large demon. This demon had to have been a football player in a former life. No matter what Dean did, wiggling his body around, he couldn’t free himself from the weight that held him to the ground, until the demon pushed off to draw a punch and Dean acted quick, shoving the knife through his heart. He twisted the knife with his teeth clenched together, as the demon sparked out, and luckily landed to his side, an arm draped over Dean’s chest. Dean groaned again, hearing the chaos on the other side of the building, and shoved the demon’s arm off his body. But when he stood up, there were two demons standing in front of him, and no sight of anyone else. Most everything around him was quiet, and a sinking feeling began to settle in the bottom of his gut that something wasn’t quite right. [h3] Duke [/h3] Duke felt relatively confident as he followed Esme behind the rest of the group. All he had to go with was an iron bar, but as long as he was quick on his feet, that wouldn’t be an issue, it never was. As Nat killed the first demon they came across, Duke smiled ear to ear. Maybe this would be successful. Just as the thought ran through his mind, a female demon ran up and swiped across his face, out of nowhere with a knife. “Holy shit. Jesus…”, he gasped, taking a few steps back from her, before swiping back at her with his iron bar. The woman turned and took a swipe at Esme, which Duke attempted to catch with his hand. The knife slashed Duke’s palm, and he cried out, pulling his hand to his chest with a growl. “Hey! Me and you, sweetheart…me and you!” The demon woman turned to him, and sneered, her creepy smile sending a chill down his spine as a larger demon speared Esme out of Duke’s eye sight, making it impossible for him to help her with her own battle. He dug his feet into the ground, his heart fluttering as the woman lunged forward with the knife, barely missing his face, and they began a dodge and weave battle of wit. “That was close…a little slow…but…”, Duke teased as he continued backing up, dodging all of her slashes and attempts to kill him with the knife. He swiped at her hand, a sparking gash forming against her elbow as she growled and stopped her slashing for a moment, “And we found the weak spot.” “You’re so cute, cowboy. You’ll be even cuter all bloody and yelling my name…” “Sweetheart…you ain’t my type. I like my girls alive and a little less forward. I’m also not the yellin’ type.” Duke chuckled, but his smile dropped as she screamed and lunged at him with the knife once again, barely missing his chest. The swiping continued until Duke backed up against the side of the barn, and like clockwork, the knife plunged into his abdomen, wedging itself into the wood behind him. The demon, with her strength, pulled the knife from him, and turned, without saying a word, toward Esme. “Esme! Ah…dammit…RUN!” Duke was reminded mid sentence that he had a gaping hole in his stomach, placing his hand over it, to try and stop some of the bleeding. It was then that Sarah caught onto what was happening, and pounced on the female demon, causing her to scream out, piercing the quiet night air. After a few moments of thrashing her around (which Duke could only see the poor demon’s body flailing and ragdolling) Sarah bit the woman’s head, causing it to implode, and dropped her sparking body on the ground below her, before returning to help Esme. Duke leaned his head back against the side of the barn, his vision beginning to fade as he stared at the tree tops, trying to count each one. The last thing he could remember seeing before he lost conciousness was Cason’s face, the demon’s voice seemingly far away as he screamed at him. “C’mon! We gotta group up. Come on. Dammit, that looks bad. You’re alright. Let’s go group up.” Cason shouted at him, before hoisting him off the ground, and attempting to run toward the others with him.