[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Open for Business[/b][/color] [/centre] Sya was still singing softly as she worked pulling open a cupboard in the room.where she had a stock of spare candles and was shaping the wick and top, the one one was part burned and still could be used elsewhere in the Inn, but this room had fresh ones. [color=c4df9b]“The ladies horse rode and rode, down the road bearing”[/color] the knock at the door had Sya turning to face it and the sound of the door creaking open despite being new it was somewhat of a rush job and the building had its… quirks. Upstairs out of the way of others she could shed her cloak, while Dawn Haven allowed blightborn, it was easier to run the Inn when you're not the one they are actively trying to not look at. Her ears pointed up as well as her rather noticeable feature of a single eye. [color=c4df9b]“Sunni? Na'ri had the bar. Just sorting rooms.”[/color] Was Sya's first reply as she turned around to see the woman from downstairs. The … woman from downstairs. Her brain had to do a switch a second to fully engage back before she could reply. [color=c4df9b]“Sorry, I'm…still preparing the room miss.”[/color] she said automatically at first. The woman's hood was down now though and could see in the candle burning in the room for lights, skin paler even than her own and strikingly bright red eyes that made her stop. Striking and … she unlike few others had met Sya gaze prior, was not afraid of her eye. Unlike Sya her hair seemed to have turned white or perhaps it was pale before… Sya had seen other blight born but you never knew what another one was like, some far more animal than human, barely able to tell friend from foe. Dawn Haven was one of few places she had seen more than a handful of their kind in a single place. Most in Dawn Haven where the … safe kind if you could call them safe, the true monsters would be driven away or killed. Few even blighted themselves could blame that attitude. The revealed attire of the woman was rather normal, a finer cut than her own and material she could ill afford but travelling clothes akin to many others. The dark skirt, corset looked nice despite their more muted tones and were fitted nicely. Standing up Sya also noted the woman was a few inches taller than the Innkeeper herself. The second part really caught her guard down, her name was Olvia, a first name even without title or such. A rather personal gesture for a better, and then she asked to sit down and talk, the tone, the wording. She was asking Sya, no command or expectation… turning bodily to face the woman pepper, no Olivia in fact. [color=c4df9b]“Syraeia, or Sya if you like.”[/color] She forced herself to be steady, forced herself to think. That big blue eye blinked and she nodded and sat on the bed's edge. Why did she want to talk, what did she want? Her own nerves came as she ran a hand through the rather intricate braids and stick that kept her brown hair in place, the natural pressure held it all tight without need of more expensive pins and such.[color=c4df9b] “Please, If you would talk with an innkeeper.”[/color] She gestured next to her. [color=c4df9b]“If we cannot show our true self to a blight, who can we?”[/color] She said more boldly than felt and the glow in her eye returned with her feeling of hope. Yes, hope. Maybe she could explain more of the blight, maybe she knew more of why she was cursed so or why the blight would return her but wipe out all her family and village bar perhaps 2. [color=c4df9b]“Why the interest in me, i desire to be, but am no lady of wealth or influence with the beautiful dresses and bright robes? I been without, its much easier with.”[/color] The words were out her mouth before she could stop herself, before she could think and before she could hide… Sya was entirely honest about her desire to be more than just… she wanted more, wanted to be the one in fine clothes and maybe earn more respect, maybe have to hide less…maybe be seen for someone to be with? Someone worthy of care? That was all a dream though, she still almost felt herself run, the desire to hide, people did not normally voluntarily sit those close to one of a Blight affliction knowingly like this in private. But she held her nerve, this was no ordinary woman, she would resist that Instinct, and talk with this strikingly pale lady as she saw her close up. Iris was red as blood and could see the blue veins in her exposed flesh. Blight born has to breathe… maybe not eat but much as people claimed…they were dead…alive…it got confusing. However long, she still had little understanding but what she could learn herself. [@amorphical]