[center][img]https://imgur.com/BVAvSa1.png[/img] [h1]VV[/h1][/center] [h2][color=gray]Hallway near the Security Room[/color][/h2] [sub][@Qia], [@Silver Carrot], [@Wayward][/sub] [hr] VV watched with horror as the armored soldiers around her began to convulse and cry in pain. She almost, [i]almost[/i] froze up as she heard a disembodied voice begging for them to [i]run[/i]. There was so much chaos in this scene, and she really didn't want to get shot- D cleared a path. All VV had to do was follow Pia out of the ring of pained soldiers and start running down the hall. She heard a spurt of gunfire, and looked back to see D firing into the crowd. Good. Maybe they could get away, and finally escape this mad house. All was for naught, though. As Lieutenant Riker, collapsed on the ground, weakly held up a purple device, and pressed its trigger button. Instantly, a purple shockwave shot out. The moment it touched the escapees, they would feel a stunning sensation, like a taser. It would even affect A, who couldn't be seen. VV felt the purple wave overtake her, and in the next second she was stunned on the floor, something in her heart thumping weakly. Lieutenant Riker smirked, struggling to his feet. [b]“So you really are some kind of Wild after all, huh? The fuck kinda experiments they doing here…”[/b] [b]“Wouldn't you like to know, Lieutenant?”[/b] Said a deep, sharp voice from further down the hallway. VV numbly craned a bit of her neck, and saw a line of uniform, black-clad soldiers, rifles raised. They were different, bearing a target as their patch instead of a skull and cross bones. Riker didn't move at first. [b]“Shit. I thought we cleared all of you out.”[/b] [b]“Hate to disappoint you, Lieutenant. Now, hand over the subjects, and I'll let your men scurry to that hole in E.5.”[/b] The Lieutenant was silent fir a long moment, before he looked at his surviving men, and cursed quietly under his breath. [b]“Alright, deal. They're yours.”[/b] The men who bore the target symbol raised a larger gun high, and shot out a huge net over the hallway. Their infrared vision allowed them to see A, ensnaring her within the net, along with D, Pia and VV. At the touch of a button, the net crackled with electricity. VV screamed, before everything faded to black. [hr] An unknown length of time passed. There were voices, flashes of lights. But no dreams. Eventually, everyone would awake in a small, living room-sized chamber. Four grey walls, a black floor, no windows, and a small steel door without a handle or a way to open. Tiny vents in the 12-feet high ceiling allowed chilled air to pass through. VV awoke first, and immediately moved to shake D, then A, who was no longer invisible.[b] “Hey, heyyy… You guys awake? Come on…” [/b]There was a tremble in her voice.