[centre][img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Dark%20Heritage/Gajah%20Mada%20Servant%20Card_resized.png[/img][/centre] [hr] Responding to her master through their telepathic link, Gajah Mada replied, [i][color=39b54a]'True...but I am a Saber Class Servant there is no going around the fact that I have to expose my blade to fight any more than, say, King Arthur would have to expose his legendary sword to fight. Worry not, Master, there are far more heroes more known for their kris than I in my region of origin, why, I don't even hold a famous kris, like Kris Mpu Gandring wielded by Ken Arok. Mine is but a nameless one. That aside, I'm of one mind regarding prodding for more information,'[/color][/i] Gajah Mada then listened to Shielder explaining the possibility that something was wrong with the ritual, as proven by the presence of rogue servants, before proposing that he'd pledge his alliance to the winner of the fight, to which Rider enthusiastically agreed. Gajah Mada replied, [color=39b54a]"Before I agree, there are some matters I wish to clarify,"[/color] She turned to Shielder, as she continued, [color=39b54a]"You offered your allegiance too freely, that I can't help but wonder what exactly do you get out of it. You may not be summoned to fight for the grail, but it is hard to imagine anyone would not be interested in obtaining a wish-granter for themselves. Unless...something was wrong with the grail. You mentioned that 'the people who repurposed the Fuyuki Grail Ritual without full knowledge of its contents' What are these contents of the grail the Fujiwara Clan is not aware of? Ah but before you answer, one other matter..."[/color] Gajah Mada walked over to the corner of the abandoned parking lot, where she had felt a similar sensation she had felt in the Church. It looked as if whoever was spying on them back then was also spying on the parking lot. [color=39b54a]"As you have heard, mysterious stranger peeking in, there appears to be some crucial information regarding this ritual. I am not aware of how much you already know of the matter, but...I imagine that if you're not exactly aware of it, this would be something that you would be interested in. How fortunate that you have this spider familiar listening in, if someone were to...dispose of this spider familiar of yours, I'm afraid you have to attend our meeting in person."[/color] She gave a smile at the spider, before killing it. Gajah Mada did not know how inclined this individual was to appear in person, but now, she hoped she had given just enough incentive for them to come. Though, of course, she did genuinely wanted to know if something was amiss with the grail, for example if it was not in fact omnipotent or if it had any defects that would be important for her to know. She turned back to Shielder, [color=39b54a]"Now then...would you mind answering my question?"[/color]