[hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/CTYZ7Pn.png[/img][h3][right][b]G E Z O T O[/b][/right][/h3][hr][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asc4WsiCTg8][b]Music[/b][/url][hr] [@RoadkilBanana] Gezoto thought he heard Wiik say something, but it was really the scream of a Pastaran tumbling through the air that caused the gangster to turn. A roguish smile spread across his red face. "I gotcha, I gotcha!" Clasping both hands together, he drew a deep breath as he reared back. He twisted his hips, swinging both arms with a loud grunt! The axe-handle blow instantly killed the poor native, but the impact sent their mangled body flying with such force they smashed right through a line of decorative trees along the city sidewalks. Purple wood splintered, limbs crashing down as orange and yellow leaves scattered in the wind and dust. "Hoooooome run!" Gezoto whistled at his own handiwork, holding one hand like a visor beneath his horns as he surveyed the carnage. The gravity on this planet was heavier than the galactic standard, but there wasn't as much of a difference between it and Ssupaikii as there would be with other planets. Gezoto could feel the difference, like wearing heavy weights on his limbs and chest, heart and lungs working harder for less. But his homeworld had been made of dense metal elements, after all, with a superhot core that strengthened both its gravitational pull and magentosphere. Gravity aside, the only word Gezoto had for Pastara right now was "soft." They didn't know what it was like to struggle for everything you had, to dredge up a life out of mud and grit. They couldn't fight to cling to their own scraps. That was why they were [i]weak.[/i] Nearby, more amphibious soldiers were being tossed this way and that by another member of their squad. Gezoto grinned as he watched the lizardman work, silent and dogged as ever. [@Wayward]"Togrash, they finally let your sorry tail outta Recovery?" he called as he jumped onto a pile of rubble and folded his arms. "Here I thought I was gonna have to make Wiik pull his weight this time around! Gyahahaha!"