[center][h2]Bob[/h2][/center] Once Bob had managed to break open all dozen of his eggs, he pulled out a bottle of milk from the fridge and a measuring cup from a cupboard. With great care, he measured out what he knew from experience was an acceptable amount of milk for the number of eggs that he had in the bowl in the cup before pouring it into the bowl and began the process of whisking. Looking towards the group, a spark of remembrance appeared in his eyes as he said "All most for'ot. Been meanin' to brin' it up for a while now, so while we are all here can we talk about soundproofin' Violet's room? I am not sure if the rest of you have noticed but, bein' his nei'hbour and all... He can be rather loud and excitable at ni'ht. Even more so when he invites someone to his room." With the issue finally brought to light, started to look for a frying pan... and the roll of baking paper. He tended to line the pan with the paper when cooking scrambled eggs because it cleaning a lot quicker and easier.