[center][color=ED2939][h1]Shieldwing[/h1][/color][/center] Shieldwing simply nodded back to Stargaze and moved to follow Rudrick through the halls. He couldn't help but peer into the various rooms himself out of curiosity. Though nothing of particular interest caught his attention in these other rooms. Weirdly enough, nobody even seemed to have any kind of training equipment in their room. Weird. Or at least, it seemed that way to him. Whenever he got his own space, he wanted to make sure he could improve himself at every opportunity. The fact that other drakes didn't seem as eager as him to do that puzzled him.... Finally, they seemed to arrive at the small den that Coryn stayed in. He peeked his head into the room and watched the newer, bluer drake working at pulling a creeping vine...wait, a what now? Shieldwing blinked, rubbing his claws against his eyes for a moment. No, yeah, that vine was definitely moving of its own accord. The crimson dragon followed the vine back to its source...and finally realized what he could only presume was Coryn's side of the den. It almost looked like a miniature jungle was beginning to form. What in the world was all that about? Comparing the two sides of the room was like comparing himself and Skobeloff. One side trying to do everything in its power to keep everything in order and fulfill a proper purpose...and the other complete chaos with no idea what could be hiding behind that greenery. Just as his thoughts had turned to his blue-green clutchmate, he suddenly heard a voice from behind him, having never even noticed the sand rematerializing. [color=00746b]"I have returned!"[/color] [color=ED2939]"WAGH!"[/color] he exclaimed, jumping from the unexpected third drake that had just joined them seemingly out of thin air! He half-stumbled into the den, back arched and wings frilled slightly on instinct. When he realized it was just Skobeloff again, his racing heartbeat began its attempt to slow itself down. [color=ED2939]"S-Skobeloff!?"[/color] he gasped. [color=ED2939]"Wh-where did you-how did-why-ugh, at least clear your throat or something when you use that stupid sand of yours!"[/color] He took a deep breath to steady himself and straighten himself out. As he recovered from the greenish jumpscare, he frowned and shook his head. [color=ED2939]"Wh-what are you even doing back here, you've barely been gone a couple minutes?"[/color] Luckily, he got his answer quickly enough. He tilted his head as he watched Skobeloff examining the vines with Stargaze. [color=ED2939]"...Wait, you did what now?"[/color] Shieldwing muttered. [color=ED2939]"You...really are something else, Skobe."[/color] Shieldwing finally let out a small, exasperated sigh. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat. He shook himself a bit in another attempt to quickly recollect himself. During that process, he turned to look back at Lazward, head tilted slightly as he watched the other drake beating away at the vine now. [color=ED2939]"Hey, so, uh...you need some help over there or...?"[/color] He looked down at the vine again. Despite Lazward's struggles, the vine seemed to be unending in its endeavors. Strange, it didn't look [i]that[/i]strong.... Though out of the corner of his eye, Shieldwing wanted to keep his gaze on Rudrick. If the older dragon decided to slip out and go after Garrock...he wanted to be ready to excuse himself from the scene. Skobeloff was here now, so he didn't have to worry about leaving Stargaze alone. Not that he liked the thought of her being alone with him whenever Skobe felt like doing one of his devious little tricks, but he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to talk to Rudrick alone should it crop up.