[hider=Rhubari] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1244454519371337762/1248821083902181396/Rhubari_pose.jpg?ex=66650ec4&is=6663bd44&hm=a7c6461649025e42aaa06c5db0ea0104b08d2fc996bbc7c6ea751a99828e993e&[/img] [/hider] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm77VCkf_do[/youtube] [@Zeroth]Rhubari grinned as Gezoto referred to her as "Aneki". He had told her what it meant before, and she found it flattering. She watched as he easily laid into the enemy forces with strong physical attacks, even teaming up with Wiik to really cause some havoc, sending the poor frog reeling. [color=ff0066]"Seems like you're having fun, Gezoto. Glad to see it."[/color] She could feel the gravity of this planet pulling at her like no other planet she'd been to before. Yet, it wasn't enough to give the Pastarans even a hint of an advantage. After her short breather, she decided to get rid of the other tanks that were firing artillery uselessly around them. She powered up again and with another thrust of both of her hands, the other line of tanks were gone in a flash of a pink beam. [color=ff0066]"Hey, Togrash, gonna leave some fun for us this time? Just cuz you can heal fast, don't get reckless!"[/color] As her team continued to tear through the foot soldiers, a line of infantry appeared, firing energy blasters at the four invaders. The energy blasts dissipated uselessly against her. A wicked smile spread across her face. These infantry men were at her favorite range, being the main technique user of the team. She flew about fifteen feet into the air and held out one hand. [color=ff0066]"Those toys are useless against us. Rude Barbs!" Hundreds, even thousands of small energy bullets flew from her outstretched hand. They pierced through the ineffective gunners, making them fall, one by one as she casually aimed her hand at each one while firing. At about this point, Wiik had thrown off his special move Mandibomb, which was always fun to watch. [color=ff0066]"Showing off already, huh Wiik. Let's clean up the rest of this trash!"[/color] The main invasion force of lower level fighters at greater numbers had cleared out a good chunk of the city. Rhubari decided to start spreading out. She hit the comms button on her scouter. [color=ff0066]"Alright boys, go have fun. We regroup in an hour back here. Happy hunting."[/color] She flew off toward a cluster of stone spire buildings. There were ponds and streams all around the city, and in the distance, she could see larger bodies of water, probably lakes. She threw a few ki blasts into the cluster of buildings, watching them crumble as citizens below attempted to flee. She felt herself breathing heavy, but there was nothing to worry about here. [hr] Some distance away, atop a mountain, two Pastarans were meditating. The larger one winced as he felt an evil ki in the direction of Lasag City. He grimaced and looked at the other. "Did you feel that, Rigat?" Rigat nodded. She was smaller than the other, but still had toned muscles. She had a light purple colored skin with slick black hair that appeared as if it were wet. "Something's wrong. We'd better head to the city, and see if they need any help. Are you ready for battle, Ravili?" Ravili nodded grimly. "Yes. I think I remember reading a letter from Spaghet mentioning an invasion force. He's always so paranoid, I didn't give it much thought. They also arrived sooner than expected." He had a yellow skin tone and massive muscles. He was probably one of the most intimidating Pastarans, standing at 6 feet and 3 inches tall with an imposing figure. The two warriors leapt into the sky and flew toward Lasag City.