[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240524/86e79bc2959bc89d2b7fa7a65116c32c.png[/img][/center] [color=808080]The giant of a blight-born nodded in affirmation as he waited for the rider to hop on his sled. As soon as she was secured enough he started trodding forward, the sled gliding after him after a jerky start. Each step impacted the ground with a dull thud as he trudged forward, his eyes moving side to side, taking in his surroundings. Ivor had only been in Dawnhaven for a month now, having heard of the settlement that allowed blightborn to coexist. He didn’t want to live there originally, moreso was just curious at the idea of a town full of monsters and people; yet somehow the place had managed to win him over. Both the prince and princess had certainly tried to get him to stay of their own accord, but it was the people who lived there and that odd determination to make it work, despite the adversity. That thought alone made him more than a little homesick, but it was enough to convince him to stay and help in his own way to keep the township afloat. [color=9a45dc]“It not much now, was not much when first got here either, but town has [b]big[/b] heart,”[/color] he tried to emphasize that last bit as much as he could, facing away from her. [color=9a45dc]“People here are good too, like Sy’a, she will give you good food, but do not stare..it is..rude, or there is Sunni boy he has…things for…things.”[/color] Ivor didn’t remember exactly what Sunni’s job was, only that sometimes people visited him with things and they would get other things in return. [color=9a45dc]“The prince and princess live here too, always followed by that serious one and the little moon lily.”[/color] Ivor had enough trouble trying to pronounce most words without trying to do names, so he would often refer to them in nicknames or brief descriptors. Even if he were to use anyone’s real name, there was no guarantee that Rider would have any idea about who he was speaking of. [color=9a45dc]“Fear not Rider, we are coming to the place soon, you will get much rest and hot food and,”[/color] he paused for a brief moment as he saw two figures ahead, both recognizable; yet the social cues were not. Ivor laughed heartily, a deep laugh that came from his belly, [color=9a45dc]“MY FRIENDS! Kreztchimar nozemme jabool!”[/color] the giant exclaimed as he picked up the pace, dragging the sled ever faster behind him and nearly forgetting his occupant in the process. Nevertheless he stopped some feet away before Eris and Pleiades to greet them, [color=9a45dc]“Good day friends! I come back with much stuff, is good, VERY GOOD!”[/color] He emphasized with a big thumbs up and another hearty laugh. He lowered himself on one knee to be more at level with the two of them, [color=9a45dc]“Is good to see you, Miss Eris,”[/color] Eris Hightower, a woman far more intelligent than Ivor, with a generous heart to match as she had volunteered her time teach him basic reading and writing. His head turned to the other blightborn present, [color=9a45dc]“and you as well…er”[/color], it wasn’t that Ivor didn’t know this man’s name, but he didn’t have the capacity to pronounce it yet. Try as he might, the words didn’t come through, instead the name ground down into a paste like simulacrum and was spat back out as, [color=9a45dc]“...Boird man..”[/color] he looked at Pleiades rather sheepishly, before standing back upright and sighing, [color=9a45dc]“Good to be back…”[/color] [hr][hr] [right][sub]Interactions: Persephone [@PrinceAlexus], Eris [@The Muse], Pleiades Porter [@The Savant] Mentions: Syraeia [color=f2c30e]@PrinceAlexus[/color], Flynn [color=f2c30e]@The Muse[/color], Elara & Orion [@Qia], Octavia & Sunni [color=f2c30e]@The Savant[/color][/sub][/right][/color]