[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/YqmvzlA.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240522/49791553b35fa05b88864f9127dc2df9.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: The Village Square[/sub][/cell][/row][/table] “[color=a93226]It’s probably better if you stay with Pleiades or something…[/color]” Eris's eyes widened with panic as she looked at Sunni, her stomach twisting in knots and her heart beginning to race. [color=B1E4FC]"Wait-"[/color] Eris barely managed to speak before Sunni interrupted, avoiding her gaze. “[color=a93226]Stay here, Eris. I’ll have your product out to you in a few minutes,[/color]” She froze, watching who she thought had been her savior hastily leave her and Elara to the wolf that was Pleiades. Utterly confused, Eris's mind began to spiral. Why had Sunni changed his mind so quickly? Did she do something wrong? Did he want to put both her and Elara in danger? Was that his plan all along? Was he in on some sort of sick scheme with Pleiades to trap them both? Her heart pounded so hard against her chest that she felt breathless. “[color=479ca9]Well, you do not seem busy with Mister Emberani anymore,[/color]” Eris slowly turned her gaze to Pleiades, trying her best not to let it show that she felt sick to her stomach. Sunni had abandoned her and now Pleiades was going to feast on her against her will! She just knew it! If she hadn't been so petrified she might have started crying. [color=B1E4FC][i]"Why don't you just give up?"[/i][/color] Her brother's words echoed into her mind once again. Taking a deep breath, Eris tried to steady herself. She had come to Dawnhaven for a reason. She had a purpose here! What good was she if she couldn't speak to [i]all[/i] blight-born, no matter their reputation? She would need to get over this fear of hers at some point if she wanted to prove her brother - and the world - wrong. [color=B1E4FC]"I-... We're quite busy. I'm sure... I'm sure Sunni will return soon."[/color] Eris's voice quivered more than she would have liked, but she was proud she managed to speak while meeting Pleiades's gaze. An awkward silence hung between them as they waited for Sunni, Pleiades eyes upon her making her feel like she was being assessed by an apex predator. Gathering her courage, Eris decided to take a step towards over coming her fear. [color=B1E4FC]"How are you on this morning, Pleiades?"[/color] She hated the way her voice shook, but she stubbornly stood her ground and awaited his answer. As far as she could recall, this was the first time she had ever addressed the man directly. As the door of the inn creaked open, Eris smiled and her heart leaped with anticipation, hoping that her knight in shining armor had returned to whisk her and Elara away. Instead, she found Jonathan. Eris's smile immediately dropped, her stomach twisting in knots again. It wasn't that she disliked Jonathan, but she didn't have much faith that he would be able to rescue her in any regard. “[color=ffffff]Mister Emberani said to give this to you,[/color]” [color=B1E4FC]"Oh..."[/color] Eris replied softly, taking the small package of Emberbloom from him. [color=B1E4FC]"Thank you."[/color] Her gaze lingered on the package, her thoughts racing as she tried to fathom why Sunni hadn't returned. “[color=479ca9]Do I make you uncomfortable?[/color]” Eris snapped her gaze up to Pleiades, at first thinking he had been speaking to her, but finding that his attention was fixated on Jonathan now. Had Sunni abandoned the boy to be feasted upon by Pleiades too?! “[color=ffffff]N-no… I am just doing a job,[/color]” Feeling a sudden surge of bravery, Eris narrowed her icy blue eyes at Pleiades as Jonathan shifted himself to hide behind her. [color=B1E4FC]"I thought you liked to make people feel [i]good[/i], not terrified?"[/color] She glared at Pleiades, though she could feel her resolve fading fast as she realized just exactly what she was doing. The rabbit challenging the wolf. She could almost hear her brother laughing. Little Eris, always choosing the wrong words at the wrong times. [color=#4169e1]“Perhaps you can be of assistance to me? I assume you’re a little more familiar with the skills of the people here than I am. We’re short on artisans who can knit and sew, you see.”[/color] Behind her, she could hear Elara speaking to Jonathan about.... knitting... and sewing? She could hardly believe her ears, but she refused to look away from Pleiades. If she wasn't currently staring down a blight-born, she might have chimed in that Eris herself could try to assist with sewing. How could Elara be so unbothered by Pleiades at a time like this?! [color=9a45dc]“MY FRIENDS! Kreztchimar nozemme jabool!”[/color] Eris startled as a familiar voice boomed through the village, breaking the tension and offering a welcome distraction. Eris grinned as she spotted Ivor approaching, the only blight-born she had come to truly enjoy so far. Despite his intimidating appearance, Ivor had grown on her quickly. She felt safer with him around and his return to the village was always celebrated. [color=B1E4FC]"Ivor!"[/color] She greeted him excitedly, feeling a wave of relief rush over her as Ivor stopped. [color=B1E4FC]"It is good to see you as well."[/color] He had no idea just how perfect his timing was. Perhaps Ivor would be her savior instead. Eris turned her attention back to Pleiades as Ivor greeted him, though not by his name. She felt a tinge of sympathy for the man, but knew that his name was far too advanced for Ivor to grasp at the moment. [color=B1E4FC]"Mr. Porter."[/color] Eris added, glancing at Ivor. [color=B1E4FC]"This is Mr. Porter."[/color] She clarified, holding a warm smile. She didn't hold love for Pleiades, but she could imagine that no one wanted to be called "bird man" to their face. [color=B1E4FC]"What did good things did you bring, Ivor?"[/color] She asked, looking around Ivor to get a view of the sled he had pulled along. Her eye brows raised as she spotted a woman who appeared in poor condition. [color=B1E4FC]"Oh! Ivor, uhm.. Who is this?"[/color] She inquired, moving around the man and looking over the woman swiftly to see if she could spot any open wounds or signs that she had been stricken with blight. [color=B1E4FC]"Hello, miss."[/color] She addressed the stranger, kneeling down next to the sled to look her over more closely. [color=B1E4FC]"Are you well?"[/color] With worried eyes, Eris met the woman's gaze. Silently, Eris cursed herself for having used her mana on illusions of her brother earlier this morning. As a healer, she could easily use her magic to heal the woman of any wounds, but it would come at a great cost. These days, without the sun overhead to fuel the Aurelian's natural mana source, each spell chipped away a large chunk of her energy for the day. If this woman needed serious help she would have to sacrifice her own wellness for the day, but she was prepared to do just that. [hr] [sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Sunni, Pleiades [@The Savant], Elara [@Qia], Ivor [@BeastofDestiny], Persephone [@PrinceAlexus][/sub]