[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5494758][img]https://i.imgur.com/9BCGgou.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--On the Road--[/h3][/center] With their plan prepared and set in motion, Remilia was quite pleased, finally some actual progress. Make no mistake, she didn't regret helping those villagers - well, perhaps a smidge due to the centipede incident - but the fact remained that all of them here needed to secure a way home, even if they decided to follow what Lavielle called them here for, it'd only be beneficial for everyone involved. [color=d9457c][i]Besides, a lady such as myself shouldn't be doing this alone, I need proper servants.[/i][/color] What if the only way to return home was to accomplish Lavielle's goal? Ha, surely it couldn't be the case... right? Before she could let the paranoia fester, Remilia's thoughts were interrupted by the emergence of trouble. There seemingly was a commotion at the settlement yonder, being seated quite high as she was, the Scarlet Devil was already in the perfect spot to scout. [color=d9457c][b]"Mmm... it appears the hamlet ahead is being accosted by... something."[/b][/color] Sanae's reports confirmed her suspicions, it was quite fortunate they had able-bodied guardians among them, but judging by how numerous those dark purple ooze creatures were, indeed they could need some assistance. The hired guards' refusal to help was not unexpected, they were paid to keep the merchant safe, sticking their nose into every little problem they came across would be in their employers' poor taste. However, none of Lavielle's abductees was beholden to such contracts, no? [color=d9457c][b]"Haaa... I suppose it falls on us to play heroes indeed."[/b][/color] Remilia quipped in faux resignation, doing a poor job at masking her excitement. She stood up, spread her chiropteran wings, then casually floated off her 'throne', [color=d9457c][b]"Once more into the fray, comrades~"[/b][/color] The lilac-haired bloodmage grinned at Anne's suggestion, twas' a good plan, nay, a [i]great[/i] plan, [color=d9457c][b]"I won't have it any other way, Lady Anne~"[/b][/color] Yes, that's how it should be, she might not have Sakuya, nor Meiling, but these people could do. [color=d9457c][b]"Now cry havoc and let loose your fury!"[/b][/color] As Fran, Youmu, and the others charged to join the Ent and the scissor-wielding blunette in their defense against the ooze insurgence, Remilia kept a watchful eye on their backs, ready to provide support to whomever needed it. After all, one couldn't form a proper spear with just the head.