[Centre][H2][color=bc8dbf]Rider on a Black Lunarian. [/color][/H2][/Centre] [Centre][H3][color=bc8dbf]Persephone Laconia[/color][/H3][/Centre] Persephone was Jolted as the man pulling her dragged her forward faster with a booming shout, he was calling out to the others, other people but she could not see them. She had no idea who the person or persons were. She tried to look round but only heard him saying to not stare at Sya, the place had a big heart and guessed this Sunni was a Trader? Bird Man? Hot meal was what she latched onto and could not forget, that was the key part that she did want. Hot meals, Hot fire, something that mattered now… Birdman could wait, maybe he was a breeder of birds… or. Something worse? [color=bc8dbf]“I just want a hot meal right now”[/color] She said frankly, this Sya could look like a troll but if the food was good, the food was what mattered now. People talked of sewing, of the town's business, it made no sense for now but tried to commit as much energy as she could to gathering information. This giant of a hunter had pulled her in with a fast pace, was it for danger, was it for an reason? She needed more information, more context, more details. Something however was giving her a bad gut feeling… and she did not ignore it, somehow the call to birdman and the change in the energy was concerning. Her hand slipped down to a long dagger that rested below her cloak strapped to her belt, a solid, sharp and simple fighting knife of Lunaris design. The castle forged steel was unlike some others darkened and aged to a dull black and intended to be a more discreet and understated weapon. The sword was on her horse and would be too heavy to use. She was jumpy when the woman came up to her, she was human and wore normal clothes, her eyes were not a glowing red and did not cause her gut to twist. The blades handle she let fall loose from her grip showing the uniform of Lunarus Military. Hopefully she did not know the exact signs of rank and status, that was more likely when she caught her voice, Auralian, however it was clear she was more important than a normal soldier. [color=bc8dbf]“Pershopne”[/color] She said quietly and had an air of deep tiredness and effort to it. [color=bc8dbf]“Need to find Comrades”[/color] adding softly as she tried to push herself more up to a position she could look around her. [color=bc8dbf]“Tired, Hungry, cold. Not hurt. Get inside”[/color] She said frankly with an accent clearly from the capital of Lunaris and looked towards a sign that looked like it could belong to an inn with hope. The eye of the Beholder sign crudely painted but painted none the less swung gently in the snow. A lowly breeze along with the light snow that fell on Dawn haven. The rest of town was not as visible as the Inn, but assumed there would be a market somewhere and some kind of business district, a place for the Lords, and homes for the people. Those she would find later. [color=bc8dbf]“By the moon, I need it.”[/color] Pershhone spoke and hoped the woman underwood what she needed, brown hair, younger woman who looked rather new to the frontiers if she was honest. The older woman's red hair was brushed out of an eye with a gloved hand. [color=bc8dbf]“Came from Valors Edge, Border Fort” [/color]She added, that was no secret and made it clearer how far she had travelled. She tried to push herself to get up, to make it to that door, to get warm. [@The Savant] [@The Muse] [@BeastofDestiny]