[hr][center][h3]Neir - The Drunken Bear[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JhorTIT.png[/img] 《 Level 1 Foodie 》 [@ERode][@TheMushroomLord][@PKMNB0Y][/center][hr] [i]"Adjective Nouns," huh? Snakes, rabbits, boars, and wolves...if the Poison Slime is like ours, it'd probably be the easiest to kill, but how does it inflict the poison? Touch contact? Spit?[/i] Connor sipped the beer and found it very "bready," but also distinctly watered down compared to what he'd had in the "modern" world. Meira was less helpful as far as herblore went, but went on to describe the other races within Neir. Anything that could live in the city, Connor assumed counted as a "person," so even if one encountered similar creatures in the wild it probably wasn't a good idea to try killing them for EXP. [i]...Hold on, bro, did you just...consider actual murder?[/i] He looked down at the table for a second as he set his drink down. [quote]"Oh, right, I don't ever think I got your name... Or you, mine?" she added in. "It's Meira, by the way."[/quote] "Oh, uh--" Connor blinked as he tried to make eye-to-forehead contact again, "P-Peter. Peter, um, C. Parker. I t-told Cassius to just call me "C," cause..." He glanced nervously around, "Well, to be honest, we don't really "know" each other. And I uh," He fidgeted, "I was kinda scared that maybe...there could be some True Name magic stuff, going on?" [i]If this doesn't make any sense to her, then at least that's one worry gone. But the protagonists in Isekai always seem to try and keep their otherworld status under wraps whether they have a good reason or not--I'm definitely not giving out anything I think could be used against me.[/i] As the waitress returned and thumped a bowl down in front of him, Connor thanked her reflexively with a nod of his head, then looked at this "rabbit stew." It seemed normal enough---some kind of vegetable broth, thick chunks of diced...potato? Carrot? Something starchy and rooty. The rabbit had been marinated in something thick and brown, and had a sprinkling of herbs over the top. He sniffed it, then brought a spoonful of the broth to his lips first. [i]Here's hoping whatever made me able to understand languages and use magic also included free immunizations to this world's microfauna...[/i] The stew was good. He ate with gusto. Between mouthfuls he thought of something else to ask Meira. "So...if I had an interest in learning magic, where would I go? Does the Guild give like, job-training of some kind? Are there public libraries here?" [i]So far, she's been helpful...and nobody in here has tried to start a bar fight yet? So maybe the NPCs here aren't as dangerous as I was afraid of...[/i] If this world wasn't an edgy, grimdark subversion of all the typical tropes, then maybe he didn't need to be quite so afraid... [hider=CONNOR'S DISCOVERIES][list][*]Acquired "Shitty Cloak!" [*]Acquired "Knife Bandolier!" [*]"Caliboard, the Holy 2x4." [*]Learned "Push!" [*]Learned "Cut!"[/list][/hider]