[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b60150e9-0a1e-4e4e-b4c7-a7bd655b857d.png[/img][/center][hr] [center][url=https://youtu.be/W-NG5ckuiNQ?si=C5SC6xT5ex8hH_kc]♪[/url][/center] Peace is broken, yet again. The Phantom Theif wasn't surprised at this point, no good thing ever lasted long. As tensions rose his senses became more alert, his eyes sticking to the living tree and the girl with glowing scissors... [i][color=ed1c24]Guess I'm going to be seeing quite a bit of weird stuff as time goes on... Though I should have expected that...[/color][/i] Joker's thoughts chimed, his focus shifting to the slimes that put on the assault on the village. Tactics would make sense here, and thus he followed the orders of the Space Knight. [color=ed1c24]"On it!"[/color] He calls as he rushes off, hurriedly putting his coat back on so it is not inevitably lost somewhere... He went the opposite direction as Lewa, if they were going to flank the mass, then it would be best to cut them off from both ends, encircle them, and devour them from the outside in... Like an amoeba catching its prey. [i]Blade drawn, piercing the air as well as flesh... or sludge in this case.[/i] Cutting down slimes felt strange, to say the least, like quartering Kanten... It was effective, but the underlying fear of them reassembling themselves loomed over his mind... He had to do something to make sure they stayed down... Like draining whatever lifeblood they had. [i]I am thou, and thou art I...[/i] Ripping off the mask, the blue flames of rebellion flaring forth, as Joker unleashed a new trick hidden up his sleeve... [b]Life Drain.[/b] Arsene's arms lay outstretched as he plunged his blade into one of the formless creatures, as purple ichor seeped from it, staining his blade... Invigorating himself as he imbued its stolen lifeblood with his own... [i][color=ed1c24]Thanks for the boost... Remilia.[/color][/i]