[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SeVySqr.png[/img][h1]Duke Laurent Rhinecliff[/h1] [b]54 y/o[/b] | [b]Human[/b] | [b]Male[/b] | [b]5'9[/b] | [b]212 lbs[/b] [/center] [b]Goal:[/b] Lead the rebellion to control the Glasic Fields and wrest power away from the bloodstained hands of the Wizard Queen. [b]History:[/b] The third son of the previous Duke of Rhinecliff, who rose to prominence after his brothers refused the weight of the title. By all accounts, he is a gentle, kind-hearted duke, one who has gained the adoration of his populace through policies that shielded the commonfolk from much of the consequences of the Wizard Queen's bloody ascension. It is as his father and his father's father, and his father's father's father says: [quote][i]Rhinecliff endures, no matter the change of the tides.[/i][/quote] Thus is the weight of the title, standing above the detritus of the tides, piercing past the barrier to the sky, in order to bask in the All-Force's light. When the young King had raised his banner and united all of Arrowfell, Duke Rhinecliff had fallen in line, understanding the value of peace. When the sorcerous Queen had burned down those halcyon days, Duke Rhinecliff had fallen in line, understanding the value of compliance. And now, there laid seeds of miracle, plentiful and clustered. There laid Hathforth, seething in the loss of their rightful king, a stallion trembling beneath the abuse of its new owner. There laid the Church, their divine miracles paling in the glory of true power. There laid the den of dukes and duchesses, of guildsmen and shadow-rulers, the province sliding back further into those chaotic, bloody, inglorious days. He had been the first to step upon the starting line, having seen what laid before the horizon. Now, the Duke of Rhinecliff will act. [b]Seed:[/b] The ring worn on the middle finger of Duke Rhinecliff's right hand is known as the [i]Memorimime Signet[/i], a Seed that allows for the memories of the wearer to be imprinted upon flat surfaces, whether in the form of static images or in the form of text. This manifests as a projected light from the Seed embedded within the signet ring, which near-instantly places the memory upon the surface it shines upon. Imprints made by the Memorimime Signet are permanent and cannot be removed. However, the Signet itself can be used to overwrite previous memories at the will of the user. This overwriting does not require the same projecting light to be shone upon the original surface. [b]Magic:[/b][indent] [b]Ignite[/b] - Sets a small flame atop a specified object. Often used to light cigars. [b]Messenger Bird[/b] - Animates a piece of paper or parchment, folding it into the shape of a bird which will then fly off to a specified destination. [b]Distant Grasp[/b] - Projects a telekinetic force within a certain distance, grasping at an object before pulling it within reach of the caster. [b]Seal Room[/b] - Wards a room, preventing those outside the room from entering or eavesdropping through physical or magical means. [b]Magic Arrow[/b] - Fires a magical projectile at an imagined trajectory. If a small object is held in the hand while this spell is cast, the object can be fired instead. [b]Shroud[/b] - Fills the surrounding space with a disorientating fog, where visibility is reduced to zero and sounds are distorted and echoed. [b]Silence[/b] - Shuts someone the fuck up in particular. [b]Shield[/b] - A common spell for self-defense. Can be concentrated into a small point or cast in a bubble around one's self. [b]Geas[/b] - An ancient spell craft during Arrowfell's bloodied past, when the fey courts took too great an interest in human conflict and mankind needed sorceries that could equally bind the traitorous and the capricious. Enables the creation of contracts that prohibit the breaking of the terms and intentions set by the contract. Doing so anyways would inevitably lead to the offender's death. [b]Frenzy[/b] - A strange scent fills the air, an arcane simulacra of the potions taken by the barbarian vanguards of days since past to work up the courage to charge forwards back when the secrets of riding and plated armor had not yet been uncovered. Drives those who smell it into an emotional frenzy as their thoughts slide away and baser instincts take root. Can be fine-tuned to affect only those that the caster wishes to. [/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] Horse Riding, Religious Knowledge, Poetry, Swordsmanship, Military Strategy, Leadership [b]Faction:[/b] Outside of being the Duke of House Rhinecliff, Laurent is a well-known supporter of the Church of the All-Force, and has influence suitable for one of the establishment's more significant donors. [b]City:[/b] Two days travels east of Hathforth lies the city of Odonfield, ruled by the Duke of Rhinecliff. Rolling hills have been cut into terraces for agriculture, while rivers have been split into streams in order to provide for the needs of farmers across the land. Ancient cairns mark the boundary line between the lands of man and the lands of the fey, and by the Duke's decree, hunters still must observe ancient tradition when encroaching upon the forest to hunt. The Church of the All-Force has a strong presence within Odonfield, grand structures raised up in honor of its saints, and subsequently, Odonfield itself has become a place for the faithful to journey towards. Others come to study and further their scholastic or artistic fields, seeking the patronage of the Duke and the shelter that the great libraries within the Rhinecliff Estate provides. [b]Assets:[/b] Odonfield is a cultural and academic landmark for those of the Arrowfell province, and plenty of hopefuls travel to the city in hopes of catching the eye of the generous, open-minded Duke of Rhinecliff. Few are truly diamonds in the rough, but that doesn't stop them from spending money for the privilege of remaining in the city. Perhaps it is fitting then that Odonfield's greatest exports, then, are that of tobacco and opioids, substances ostensibly needed to stimulate or soothe one's mind. Which duchy in Arrowfell hasn't been gifted a box of Odonfield's finest cigars? Which smoking den hasn't been filled with the haze of Odonfield's fields?