[@Master Crim] [color=ec008c][i][h1][center] Vera Agathe Faust [/center][/h1][/i][/color] Vera ensured the dock workers did not see her. She was sure they concealed something the public didn’t want to see. She captured images of potential evidence during stealthy maneuvering—pausing to scrutinize a crate with the enigmatic label '[b]SIONIS.[/b]' The mystery of this entity or company piqued her curiosity. However, this would have to be a puzzle for another time as she had more pressing matters. Observing the workers loading the crates into a van, she pondered the contents of these mysterious crates—slipping behind some crates, cars, and moving equipment. Some workers didn’t fit the typical dock worker profile, raising suspicions of criminal activity. She discreetly documented everyone and their actions, capturing the enigma of the SIONIS crate in her lens. She was listening to one of the thug’s conversations. She wondered what could be inside of the crates. Her guess was either drugs or perhaps weapons. She started panicking quickly as she noticed a few armed goons approaching her. Vera was hiding behind a forklift while watching the goons walking past her. She started moving towards the warehouse to get a closer look inside the crate and used her powers to distract the dock workers and goons so he could get inside the warehouse. Once inside, she tried to open one of the crates, using her powers to freeze the top of the crate. She broke the top of the crate, ensuring she didn’t make too much noise. Taking a picture of whatever was inside. But unbeknownst to her, opening the crate and taking the picture made enough noise for someone to hear and investigate. “[color=ec008c][i]Dang.[/i][/color]” She cursed, now trying to sneak out of the warehouse.