[right][color=darkgray][sup]Timestamp: Between the Rally and the Game [@LovelyComplex] and [@Aces Away] [color=#ff81c8]Jordyn 'JJ' Jones[/color] and [color=#28e0af]Gavriel 'Rye' Shomer[/color][/sup][/color][/right] [center][b][color=#FF81C8]_[/color][color=#FB82C7]_[/color][color=#F883C7]_[/color][color=#F585C6]_[/color][color=#F286C6]_[/color][color=#EF87C6]_[/color][color=#EC89C5]_[/color][color=#E98AC5]_[/color][color=#E68CC5]_[/color][color=#E28DC4]_[/color][color=#DF8EC4]_[/color][color=#DC90C4]_[/color][color=#D991C3]_[/color][color=#D692C3]_[/color][color=#D394C2]_[/color][color=#D095C2]_[/color][color=#CD97C2]_[/color][color=#CA98C1]_[/color][color=#C699C1]_[/color][color=#C39BC1]_[/color][color=#C09CC0]_[/color][color=#BD9DC0]_[/color][color=#BA9FC0]_[/color][color=#B7A0BF]_[/color][color=#B4A2BF]_[/color][color=#B1A3BE]_[/color][color=#ADA4BE]_[/color][color=#AAA6BE]_[/color][color=#A7A7BD]_[/color][color=#A4A8BD]_[/color][color=#A1AABD]_[/color][color=#9EABBC]_[/color][color=#9BADBC]_[/color][color=#98AEBC]_[/color][color=#95AFBB]_[/color][color=#91B1BB]_[/color][color=#8EB2BA]_[/color][color=#8BB3BA]_[/color][color=#88B5BA]_[/color][color=#85B6B9]_[/color][color=#82B8B9]_[/color][color=#7FB9B9]_[/color][color=#7CBAB8]_[/color][color=#79BCB8]_[/color][color=#75BDB8]_[/color][color=#72BEB7]_[/color][color=#6FC0B7]_[/color][color=#6CC1B6]_[/color][color=#69C3B6]_[/color][color=#66C4B6]_[/color][color=#63C5B5]_[/color][color=#60C7B5]_[/color][color=#5CC8B5]_[/color][color=#59C9B4]_[/color][color=#56CBB4]_[/color][color=#53CCB4]_[/color][color=#50CEB3]_[/color][color=#4DCFB3]_[/color][color=#4AD0B2]_[/color][color=#47D2B2]_[/color][color=#44D3B2]_[/color][color=#40D4B1]_[/color][color=#3DD6B1]_[/color][color=#3AD7B1]_[/color][color=#37D9B0]_[/color][color=#34DAB0]_[/color][color=#31DBB0]_[/color][color=#2EDDAF]_[/color][color=#2BDEAF]_[/color][/b] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/11f507c3-57fe-4866-85ff-c72b4621bf06.png[/img] [b][color=#FF81C8]_[/color][color=#FB82C7]_[/color][color=#F883C7]_[/color][color=#F585C6]_[/color][color=#F286C6]_[/color][color=#EF87C6]_[/color][color=#EC89C5]_[/color][color=#E98AC5]_[/color][color=#E68CC5]_[/color][color=#E28DC4]_[/color][color=#DF8EC4]_[/color][color=#DC90C4]_[/color][color=#D991C3]_[/color][color=#D692C3]_[/color][color=#D394C2]_[/color][color=#D095C2]_[/color][color=#CD97C2]_[/color][color=#CA98C1]_[/color][color=#C699C1]_[/color][color=#C39BC1]_[/color][color=#C09CC0]_[/color][color=#BD9DC0]_[/color][color=#BA9FC0]_[/color][color=#B7A0BF]_[/color][color=#B4A2BF]_[/color][color=#B1A3BE]_[/color][color=#ADA4BE]_[/color][color=#AAA6BE]_[/color][color=#A7A7BD]_[/color][color=#A4A8BD]_[/color][color=#A1AABD]_[/color][color=#9EABBC]_[/color][color=#9BADBC]_[/color][color=#98AEBC]_[/color][color=#95AFBB]_[/color][color=#91B1BB]_[/color][color=#8EB2BA]_[/color][color=#8BB3BA]_[/color][color=#88B5BA]_[/color][color=#85B6B9]_[/color][color=#82B8B9]_[/color][color=#7FB9B9]_[/color][color=#7CBAB8]_[/color][color=#79BCB8]_[/color][color=#75BDB8]_[/color][color=#72BEB7]_[/color][color=#6FC0B7]_[/color][color=#6CC1B6]_[/color][color=#69C3B6]_[/color][color=#66C4B6]_[/color][color=#63C5B5]_[/color][color=#60C7B5]_[/color][color=#5CC8B5]_[/color][color=#59C9B4]_[/color][color=#56CBB4]_[/color][color=#53CCB4]_[/color][color=#50CEB3]_[/color][color=#4DCFB3]_[/color][color=#4AD0B2]_[/color][color=#47D2B2]_[/color][color=#44D3B2]_[/color][color=#40D4B1]_[/color][color=#3DD6B1]_[/color][color=#3AD7B1]_[/color][color=#37D9B0]_[/color][color=#34DAB0]_[/color][color=#31DBB0]_[/color][color=#2EDDAF]_[/color][color=#2BDEAF]_[/color][/b][/center] [color=lightgray][indent][indent][color=#28e0af]“Okay,”[/color] Rye sighed dramatically at JJ before pulling the straw into his mouth and taking a big gulp of his rootbeer in order to fortify himself. After his little breakdown in the library, Rye had woken up and pulled himself together in the presence of JJ and Helen before continuing on with the rest of his day like he always did. He and JJ agreed to go to the mall after school and catch up then, as they’d been forced their separate ways for class. They’d had their small talk and general catch up while they were actually shopping, and now that they had their bags of clothes and impulse buys, the two best friends were refueling at a food court table, their takeout boxes spread haphazardly all over the small surface. Before he could continue, his phone screen lit up from the table and he glanced down disgustedly at the unknown number before locking his screen again to ignore it. Rye, who already despised trying to decipher audio over phone calls in the first place, barely ever answered calls from his friends, let alone unknown numbers. He much preferred to text, or to video chat so he could watch the other person’s lips for any words he missed audibly. [color=#28e0af]“Jesus, the scam calls are just horrible around election time, I swear I get one like every hour. JJ, I’m not even legal to vote yet, what could they possibly be needing to tell me?”[/color] [color=#28e0af][i]Okay, stop it,[/i][/color] Rye thought to himself, well aware of his own habit of using any little distraction as, well, [i]distraction[/i]. [color=#28e0af]“Sorry, nevermind. You wanted to talk about Jamie and Decky? Or just Decky?”[/color] [color=#ff81c8]“Where did we leave off?” [/color]Jordyn said absentmindedly, having eaten most of her chicken teriyaki and going straight to her salted pretzel. Tearing a piece off, she thought long and hard before winging it. Hopefully she wasn’t repeating herself from earlier,[color=#ff81c8] “So. As you already know, I like Decky and I think today is the day he noticed me. Or well, I hope he noticed me…” [/color]Briefly, JJ stumbled over her words, doubting herself and wondering if this was a chase worth pursuing. She was quick to bury the doubt to focus on the conversation at hand.[color=#ff81c8] “But before I get lost in talking about him, I should bring up the incident between Jamie and Decky from this morning.” [/color]JJ chomped at the piece of pretzel she tore off and chewed for a bit. Chewed in silence. Chewed in thought. Chewed in happiness from the salty goodness. Once she swallowed, JJ continued, while her eyes were on Rye, her mind was elsewhere, on the events from this morning,[color=#ff81c8] “In homeroom, Jamie and Decky were going at it. Throwing shots at each other. I don’t remember who started it, if I’m going to be honest. Jamie was in a mood already. My guess is maybe an argument with AJ? I don’t know who else would give him such a big hickey. But I was able to bring him back and I think I’m going to try to be his friend. That’s beside the point, though. Decky is… AJ’s best friend?” [/color]The curly haired girl asked, trying to explain herself as clearly as possible at the same time but her mind was going every which way.[color=#ff81c8] “Is that why he doesn’t like Jamie? Is it bad that I want to be friends with someone my crush hates?”[/color] She didn’t know if she was giving a report or seeking advice but here she was, lost in translation, hoping Rye understood the scrambled pieces of information in her brain. She was doing her best. It wasn’t usual that JJ was caught up in drama like this but because it involved two people she liked, she wanted to help. [color=#28e0af]“Decky isn't the type to care who you talk to so long as they don't pose a physical danger to yourself or someone else he cares about. He may not like it, especially with it being Jamie, but he's not the controlling type that would try and tell you you weren't allowed or some shit,” [/color]Rye replied honestly to his friend, following her broken flow with the practiced ease only a sibling or best friend could. He popped a fry in his mouth after dragging it through some barbecue sauce and chewed slowly, trying just as hard to piece together a response as she did to get her thoughts out. [color=#28e0af]“But yeah, AJ is one of his best friends so he's super protective of him, as he is with anyone he cares about, but AJ was like…the first person from Beverly Hills to take Decky in and call him friend. So it's more personal and that means Decky like…he kind of fucking hates Jamie, to be honest. It's not my business to tell, but in the vaguest wording let's just say that AJ changed a lot while dating Jamie, and Decky wasn't a fan. Pretty sure most of AJ's closer friends weren't fans but don't take my word for it,” [/color]Rye ventured, not wanting to talk on anyone else's thoughts or feelings that he didn't know for sure. His fingers tapped rapidly against the condensation coated cup in between his hands and he looked away from his friend, not really feeling shame but not feeling great when he admitted the next bit. [color=#28e0af]“Decky and I stopped hooking up because he got AJ and I together for a no-strings situation after he and Jamie broke up, since neither of us were doing great and Decky thought we could help each other out more, y'know? We just keep each other from falling off of our prospective edges, and we know there's no romance past friendship and physical intimacy in it, but it's been working well enough. Or I guess it [i]was[/i] before AJ and Jamie decided to try hooking up again, but obviously something went down this morning from what you're saying.”[/color] And that was worrying, because AJ had been radio silent all day, meaning whatever happened was bad enough to get the other boy in his own head and stuck there, likely until one of his three best friends pulled him out of it. Jamie having a harsh hickey? Not the weirdest thing out there, especially with AJ, but from what JJ had said of the way the other media-based boy had acted and the fact that AJ ditched school, things [i]hadn't[/i] gone well, so Jamie walking away with a physical reminder of whatever went down between them made something sit heavy in Rye's stomach, the small boy forcing himself not to think of any possibilities or spin himself out on self-created stories fabricated from his own past experiences in place of whatever the truth was. He shook his head, ignoring the phantom fingers of anxiety creeping up on him while dispelling any thoughts of Ronnie and that end of summer party, deciding to focus instead on his friend and the progress of her [i]incredibly[/i] slow burned love story.[color=#28e0af] “But what about Decky noticing you, huh? How'd that feel? The moment we've all been waiting for,” [/color]he got a little more nervous energy out as he drumrolled on the edge of the table and smiled at JJ.[color=#28e0af] “What actually [i]happened[/i]?”[/color] What happened that changed things? JJ tilted her head when she processed a silent message from Rye, noticing his fingers tap, tap, tappin’. Respectfully she didn’t probe, willing to wait until he was ready to talk about whatever internal battle he was facing that made him anxious. Breaking another piece of pretzel off, she went in a daze, trying to register when exactly the tension started to show.[color=#ff81c8] “I had Addie’s lipstick on, he noticed,” [/color]JJ started, nibbling on her pretzel piece, stuck in a memory. [color=#ff81c8]“I checked up on him and called him Chai, which seemed to get a subtle reaction. Maybe I embarrassed him? But I don’t think it was a bad embarrassment. I would know if he disliked it, so I think he liked it. Iunno… I hope he liked it.” [/color]She talked to herself out loud, trying to understand what happened and if it was a good thing or bad thing. [color=#ff81c8]“And then Jamie came into the picture.” [/color] There was a pause as her attention went to her tote where Biggie squeaked, demanding some pretzel. She slipped the tiniest of crumbs in the bag and then it hit her and her eyes widened and there was sudden terror in her stomach, as she began to assume the worst. Her own anxiety got the better of her. Her heart raced, sending warm blood to her soft, brown cheeks and she could feel the butterflies fluttering all around inside her.[color=#ff81c8] “OH-MY-GOSH-DARN-IT.” [/color]Dropping the pretzel from her hand, it falling from her lap to the floor, she started biting her nails. [color=#ff81c8]“Biggie… went to the windowsill and…” [/color]JJ nervously laughed and continued to nip at her nails.[color=#ff81c8] “He’s going to think I’m a HOE, Rye. Why didn’t I think about what I was doing? Why did I do THAT?!”[/color] [color=#28e0af]“Well, he's an actual hoe so I don't think there'd really be anything negative behind that if he did think it. And trust me, you calling him Chai probably made him blush like a schoolgirl inside,” [/color]Rye assured almost dismissively as he watched his best friend squirm, attempting to squint past the obstacles now blocking her lips, leaning in both to sip more of his drink through his straw and to hear her better. Tilting his head at JJ once he'd finished, he complained softly,[color=#28e0af] “Jay, dude, the fingers. I’m sorry but I can’t read your lips like that and this food court’s hella loud,” [/color]He’d only been able to hear the part of her story that he’d replied to before her fingers had blocked half of his understanding and her words became a garbled, unprocessed mess to his ears. It was like the subtitles suddenly being removed from a foreign movie and you realize you never actually understood the characters’ words at all, and it was frustrating. He liked to lie when asked and say that the tinnitus was just the ringing in his ears and pretend like he didn’t have any actual hearing loss from it yet, but he hadn’t exactly learned ASL super young or joined the ASL club at BHHS out of passion for another language. It was just good planning for his future. [color=#28e0af]“Please choose another anxious fidget for this conversation. And repeat your last sentence after ‘hoe, Rye’.”[/color] JJ was quick to put her palm on her lap, clasping her fingers together. Swaying her feet, heel toe, left to right, right to left, the inexperienced teen, having never dated and only having a feeling of what her sexual orientation was, decided to not repeat the same words but to explain what exactly happened.[color=#ff81c8] “I just panicked… sorry.” [/color]Not looking Rye in the eyes, flustered and shy, she remembered out loud,[color=#ff81c8] “I climbed over his desk to get to Biggie and he might’ve had a nice… scenic… view.” [/color] [color=#28e0af]“Oh!” [/color]Rye giggled like an idiot, almost spitting out his latest sip of soda in the process.[color=#28e0af] “He saw your ass! JJ oh my god,” [/color]Rye dissolved into a fit of laughter, his previous anxieties dissolving along with it as he held his stomach and shook. [color=#28e0af]“I’m sor-” [/color]More laughter, barely contained to be publicly acceptable, and then a deep, steadying breath as he held up his hand, asking his friend for patience as he pulled himself together. When he was ready, he grinned at JJ and held his hand to his chest in apology. [color=#28e0af]“Sorry, seriously. It’s just that I told you like [i]first thing[/i] back in sophomore year that he was an ass man and you waited almost [i]two years[/i], until Biggie was pulling a houdini, to finally give him a glance? Dude, JJ, that is the [i]least[/i] hoe behavior I’ve ever heard.”[/color] [color=#ff81c8]“Oh,” [/color]JJ giggled, realizing how silly she was being. A simple misunderstanding in the brain. Classic JJ. Grateful and appreciative for her friend who never failed at discerning her words, the dorky girl gleamed. With a wide kind of smile that showed she was relieved and delighted, she confessed and asked, [color=#ff81c8]“Tell me straight, Rye. How out of my element am I? I have [i]never[/i] been in a relationship, sexual or romantic. I’d like to think I would love all kinds of people and have room for more than one partner but that’s just because I believe it to be true. I [i]will[/i] it into existence. I know my heart and that’s all I have to go off of. Right now? I want Decky. I’ve wanted him for TWO YEARS. Just like you said.” [/color] Sighing and taking a breath, JJ grabbed her cup of water and took a sip.[color=#ff81c8] “I worry though,” [/color]She admitted.[color=#ff81c8] “How would Decky feel when he finds out… I’ve never been with anyone? What if that discredits my understanding of him being polyamorous and what if his partner, Sonny, feels some type of way? I don’t want to replace him. I can never replace him. I am me and I want to add to their love story, while finding my own, maybe with Decky, you know? I think I can make it work I just, don’t know what I’m doing.” [/color]She shouldn’t use the love word. They were teens. How did they know what love was? JJ knew, however, if she took a leap of faith, she wouldn’t have the ability to do a one night stand. She could try. Anyone could try. Something told her, in the pit of her stomach, that doing something just for sex wasn’t for her. She needed something more than that. Sex wasn’t needed. When you loved somebody, she’d like to think sex felt good. When you desired someone, the feelings came naturally. Inside and out. When they wanted you back? That was pure magic. Oh man, was she already thinking of having sex with Decky?! She hadn’t even told him her feelings. The fire of passion, coming from a blushing, new bride appeared on JJ’s cheeks as her mind thought of her next interaction with her crush. Not so pure thoughts. Naughty, actually. Embarrassing. Shaking her head, dirty thoughts begone, she pouted,[color=#ff81c8] “I want him to like me, Rye.” [/color] The smirk Rye leveled his best friend with was all knowing, telling her that he saw exactly what was going on in that chaotic little brain of hers and that it amused him greatly. He ate another fry as he thought about her words, doing his best to actually [i]think[/i] on them first and not just run off at the mouth like he usually does. This was an important conversation. He decided to start with the easiest part. [color=#28e0af]“So, first off, I know for a fact that Decky does not care how long, short, or nonexistent your list of sexual experiences and partners is. Sex is that dude’s first form of communication and as long as he and the other person or people are all consenting, then fucking will happen. It’s just fact with Decky, he throws himself in physically first because he’s afraid of letting people see his feelings before they’ve seen his body,” [/color]Because his body can take hits that his heart can’t. Rye thought back to the difference in the way Decky acted around him between his first night with the strong gearhead versus [i]many[/i] interactions later when the taller was finally comfortable enough with him in bed that he took his shirt off. After Rye’s limited reaction and continued acceptance despite all the scars on the other’s torso, especially the one across his left pec and collar bone leading to his shoulder, Decky had been more open with the curly haired boy and [i]that[/i] was when their friendship had hit off just as well as their physical relationship. Rye understood to his own extent why Decky was so scared to share such a vulnerable part of him, and it helped the slightly younger boy understand the other’s actions and defenses just a bit more when he’d finally revealed it. Decky knew that if you couldn’t get past the scars littering his body like pieces of the past that refused to be forgotten, then you wouldn’t be able to handle him and everything he holds inside. Sex first just made sense. That, however, was a situation JJ would have to go through herself, because Rye was on the same boat as the other handful of people trusted enough by Decky to see the scar that weighed him down like the very word branded there. That boat was [i]‘don’t say a word about it no matter how much is asked or offered’[/i], and Rye would stay there until he died. The Boaz parents truly were disgusting human beings. [color=#28e0af]“Secondly, you don’t have to be some kind of sex goddess to be polyamorous, JJ, and you’re allowed to try different labels and see how they fit you. Being queer in any form is not a one way stop, it’s all about the journey on the way to discovery. No one is going to judge you if things change as you get more experience,” [/color]Rye never thought he’d be the one giving these lessons, but here they were. God save them all. [color=#28e0af]“If you don’t want to have sex with Decky, tell him that. If you do, tell him [i]that[/i]. If you want him to be gentle, or rough, just communicate. Dude does great with up front wording, but he’s only really good at context clues when it comes to reading actual books. Just wait, he’s going to blindside the fuck out of you with his flirting now that you’ve awakened him to your possibility. It’s mostly him like, hotly leaning over you against a wall somewhere while throwing out blunt compliments and innuendos during conversations, but hell if it doesn’t pull you in somehow.” [/color]Rye rolled his eyes as he recalled the many times simple flirting from Decky had him weak in the knees because it wasn’t just words when it came to the other jewish boy, it was something about his actual presence and proximity that became intoxicating. [color=#28e0af]“And Sonny? Don’t get me started on Sonny, dude. You’re fine there, because if Sonny says no to Decky whenever Decky calls him next then you’re not even going to get to the flirting stage. Sonny’s an ornery dick on a good day, and they're both unhealthy in a ton of ways but the way that they treat each other and their relationship isn’t one of them. Decky’s going to be getting Sonny’s permission to ask you out or he’s not, in which case he won’t lead you on or I’d bite him next time I saw him, and not in the kinky way. In the [i]‘how dare you try and play with my bestie’[/i] feral gremlin kinda way, y’know?” [/color]Rye was a healer, not a fighter, sue him. [color=#28e0af]“Plus, you know, PJ would slaughter him, probably DJ too at the very [i]least[/i], and he wouldn’t dare raise a hand to defend himself against them because he’d know he deserves it.” [/color]Rye finally took a breath from his informative assurances and took another sip of his drink, ignoring the now cold food before him with a small frown, realizing he hadn’t had much more than his fries before he let it all cool too much to eat, not even a bite taken from his chicken tenders. Oh well, JJ was more important. He leaned onto his crossed arms, elbows resting on the unbalanced and wobbly tabletop, and addressed the final issue that he recalled from her ramble. [color=#28e0af]“We all already knew he liked you, JJ, and now he finally realizes it too. Don’t start doubting yourself [i]now[/i], yeah? You’ve waited, you’ve played it safe, but safety’s about to be off, babe. Now’s the time to buckle up for the ride.”[/color] Internally noting the advice her friend was giving her, JJ looked around them, at those sitting in the food court and the passersby. She never expected her crush would bear fruit but now Decky saw her and he wanted her, at least physically. That was a good thing and yet, even when her friend told her to stop doubting herself, she found herself more worried than usual. Turning back to him, catching his kind, brown eyes, while her gaze was packed with concern, love and respect, Jordyn worried, [color=#ff81c8]“And you’re okay with this?” [/color]Rye deserved love more than anyone she knew and she would hate if he was burying his feelings for Decky because he knew how she felt. All he had to do was say the word and she’d shut down any romantic or sexual aspects she had with the mechanic. [color=#ff81c8]“I get it, you’re giving me advice and all and I know you’re always rooting for me but as your friend, I want to know— no. I need to know that my actions won’t hurt you.” [/color] Extending her legs from under the table, she grabbed a hold of one of Rye’s legs. Instead of holding hands, she held his leg (minimal mess since she didn’t want to reach over her food).[color=#ff81c8] “Regardless of how I feel, Gavriel,” [/color]JJ continued. [color=#ff81c8]“You are my best friend and you come first.” [/color]There was extra emphasis on the last part, wanting him to know that he was her priority and no relationship would pull them apart. No matter what, they had each other.[color=#ff81c8] “You know so much about Decky, you know that right? And the last thing I want on my conscience is something like I took what makes you happy away from you. I know you have other lovers, you tell me everything, but you can’t deny what you have with Decky is special.” [/color] [color=#28e0af]“You’re right, I’ve never denied that we had something special, but what’s between Decky and I, the important part? I don’t think it’s that kind of love, Jay,” [/color]Rye imparted, eyes leaving her face and skittering across the crowd without actually taking any of the faces in. [i]You tell me everything[/i]. That was only partially true. He hadn't told her what happened with Ronnell aside from the barebones, and absolutely nothing about what happened once the firefighter had gotten upset with Rye. He didn't lie to JJ, he just didn't give her an in depth explanation. The only people that actually know what happened there were Helen and Decky, who knew everything, and to a lesser extent of knowledge, Monarch, Sin, and AJ. Well, maybe Monarch knew more than she let on, but she didn't get the information from Rye. Anxious fingers found his napkin and began to fray it before tearing off a tiny piece at a time and balling it up, only to toss it into his box of unfinished food that now served as the base for their table’s trash before going back for another round. Of course what he had with Decky was special, the two boys didn’t just share touch as a love language, they also shared a culture, one that encouraged strong ties amidst its tribe and fostered deeper connection and conversation with every encouraged question. Rye was a positive connection to the culture his upbringing with his parents withheld from him, and Decky and his family had been the community and conversations that Rye missed from home. There was just something different about the commiseration of having transferred to a place where even the people at your synagogue were completely caught up in the frivolity and shallow depths of the world that they drowned themselves in. Decky had been a breath of fresh air that hadn’t come around until almost a year into Rye’s own acclimation to California. To top all of that off, Decky was far too much like Rye’s childhood friend from the start, and the second the shorter boy had seen those haunted mahogany eyes that constantly scanned the world for threats, he’d been drawn to him. His mother called it his healer’s heart, and he never denied it. He wasn’t there to fix people, just to show them that they were seen and accepted as they were, and if that love sent them on a road to healing then all the better, but if that person stayed the same? Rye saw them. He’d always see them. When he’d found out Decky was AJ’s friend, Rye had used his flirtatious connection with the king gearhead to ‘run’ into Decky at the next party while he’d been partying with their mutual connection. [color=#28e0af]“We’re great as we are. I liked sleeping with him but it was never going to be anything more than a deep friendship, Jay. He’s too much li-” [/color]Rye froze, fingers clenching around the tattered remnants of his napkin and the leg in contact with JJ’s wrapped desperately against her limb to ground himself. Memories rose unwanted in his mind like a sudden swell in shallow waters, threatening to engulf his mind and drag him away in the undertow. [color=#28e0af]“He’s too much like Toby, having him as a friend is perfect, but I don’t think I'd be able to love him in an actual relationship without seeing someone else in his place sometimes, and that’s not fair. I wouldn’t be good for him. I don’t know if I’d be good for anyone, but especially not Decky. I love him too much to ever even try that with him, and he knows that. It’s why it was so easy for us to stop when AJ and I started. You’re different from what he knows, but trust me when I say that’s a good thing. I never would have encouraged you if I wasn’t completely secure in my place in this whole thing.”[/color] There was a sigh of relief after hearing Rye’s words. JJ was new to all this relationship stuff. Truth be told, out of all her sisters, including her step sisters, only Addie had the most experience in this department. That said a lot since the girl loved sex and loved love. She was able to let go of any restraints of the social constructs of sexual orientation, identity and gender, as well as the ideologies of sex and romance to get herself involved in chasing a feeling. A feeling of ecstacy. Not even Dallas, their older sister by a year, actively pursued a relationship, content with her pursuit to visit the planets in the galactic skies. Jordyn was out of her element and she hoped her personality alone could get Decky to see her for more than a one night stand but only time could tell. She would never know unless she took the risk. It was a little scary and nothing usually scared her, aside from her babies dying one day. To be vulnerable, completely to someone, as if they were family to her, allowing them inside her heart and telling them things that she doesn’t even tell her twin… a scary thought but not scary enough to hold her back. Her desire outweighed her fear and she knew deep down. She wanted Decky, like really, really, really wanted him.[color=#ff81c8] “I hope he likes my different. I’m a little weirdo, I know that… different could be good, like you said. I want my different to be good for him.”[/color] As JJ reached to take a sip of her drink, contemplating her thoughts and how Mordechai would pursue her, Rye’s phone vibrated in his pocket. This time it was shorter, informing him that it was a text. [color=#28e0af]“I think it will be. If not, we riot,” [/color]Rye once more assured his best friend, this time with a joke, while reaching into his pocket and pulling his phone out to check who texted him. [color=#28e0af]“Sorry, one sec.”[/color] [quote]FROM: [color=#28b5e0]UNKNOWN NUMBER[/color] [color=#28b5e0]I realized calling you was definitely weird. AJ gave me your number. I wanted to see if you were okay. Also please bear with me, I don’t like to text… call me? If you’re comfortable with it. If not, can we talk tomorrow? At the dance? If not, that’s fine too. Alright, going to shut up now. Talk later.[/color] [/quote] Another text came in. [quote]FROM: [color=#28b5e0]UNKNOWN NUMBER[/color] [color=#28b5e0]It’s Niles, by the way.[/color] [/quote] Rye stared at his phone screen, blinking rapidly as he processed the words before him, fingers on his free hand tapping rapidly against his thumb in a repetitive and soothing pattern.[color=#28e0af] “It…it's Niles,”[/color] He muttered for JJ's sake as hope began to bloom in his chest. Niles asked AJ for his number. Niles had gone [i]out of his way[/i] to get Rye’s number and message him, which meant Rye hadn't completely and utterly fucked up this morning in front of the library. The way that Niles texted was nowhere near the way that Niles spoke, and Rye actually found himself grateful for that, if only because without his own anxiety from standing in front of his crush, Rye was now privy to a bit of Niles’ own. He was nervous. Niles was nervous, and tried to immediately cover all his bases so that he didn't have to field several questions in response. Was Niles nervous about texting Rye? Or was it texting in general that made him come off as a bit more awkward and anxious than he is in person? Rye’s free hand went from finger tapping to desperately swirling his earbud cord around the digits in a constant flow of motion as his thoughts ran off without him. [color=#28e0af]“JJ, it's Niles,”[/color] Rye repeated, this time with a bit of hopeful panic in his tone. He shoved the device over to his friend so she could also read the message.[color=#28e0af] “What do I say? What if I tell him I don't like phone calls and he gets upset with me?”[/color] Rye didn't hide that he had his hearing disorder, he just didn't advertise. The most you get when you try to explain that you constantly have your own version of a tinny dial tone constantly reverberating through your auditory senses was either confusion then well intentioned louder speech, straight up denial, or the classic [i]‘my ears have rang before, it can't be that bad,’[/i]. As if a single or multiple infinitesimal moments of your life where you hear a slight change of pitch was comparable to never once being able to understand the concept of true silence. As if it was the same thing to have ringing triggered by the clanking of ceramic and metal pieces together as it was to have your audio processing and understanding completely overwhelmed and blocked off by the incessant shrill siren that was so loud it caused nausea. Assessing the texts, staying calm (although internally she was excited for her friend), JJ took what she knew of Rye and what she was gathering of Niles from the text alone and processed the information accordingly. Before she gave any advice though, she noticed the voicemail.[color=#ff81c8] “Maybe we should check the voicemail he left out first and that could help you decide? Looks like he is willing to text even if he seems anxious as heck. This is crazy.” [/color]The gremlin girl said in disbelief.[color=#ff81c8] “This is cool Niles? The one that’s quiet and reading his books? The one that sleeps under the tree with little to no care in the world? The one that put you in a straight up panic attack this morning?” [/color]JJ couldn’t believe it. The words coming from this other person didn’t match the face but then again, Niles was one of the smart students that kept to himself. She didn’t really know him. Not like Kate and Kim did.[color=#ff81c8] “Do you want me to listen to it? Or we can transcribe it into words?” [/color] [color=#28e0af]“Honestly I put [i]myself[/i] into a panic attack, but yeah, that Niles. Transcribe it, please,” [/color]Rye answered, watching his best friend press the required button in the voicemail app and then press play once the words had finally popped up on the screen. As he listened to Niles’ voice, his eyes locked onto the short paragraph of text. [quote]VM: [color=#28b5e0]Hey Rye. Niles here. Before you ask, AJ gave me your number. I… want to make sure I didn’t hurt you in any way by leaving the way I did. If you want to talk about it, this is my number. Text me, call me…video chat me, whatever makes you comfortable.[/color][i]*clears throat*[/i][color=#28b5e0] Sorry if I upset you. I wasn’t really thinking… but that’s a conversation we can have when we talk. I’m here when you need me. [/color][i]*Click*[/i] [/quote] In his tone, it was controlled. All his emotions were contained. The only part that showed a sudden drop in uncertainty was when he mentioned video chatting, as if that wasn’t something he did often, if at all. He was willing to adjust for Rye, if that made the other boy comfortable. He spoke genuine and from the heart, and although it was hard to notice, the long pauses between words showed how careful Niles was trying to be, having thought about what he’d say long before he made the call. While the speech to text didn’t convey the tone, it certainly showed when Niles took breaths and breaks. This was a sensitive matter and if the text wasn’t revealing enough, the voicemail showed that Niles, like Rye, spent the whole day thinking about this morning and whether he fucked up. It was eye opening to say the least. [color=#28e0af]“Holy shit,” [/color]Rye breathed in disbelief, his heart beating just a bit too fast and his face quickly taking on a red hue as the words sunk in. The idea that Niles had been worried about him, had been [i]thinking[/i] about him, should not have been as mind blowing as it was for the anxious boy. But it wasn't just thinking about him that got Rye, it was the fact that Niles wanted to check up on him, must have realized that the way he headed off after their conversation had been the wrong move for someone like Rye. It was the fact that he was willing to forgo his preference of mobile interaction in order to make it easier for Rye, likely without even really knowing why Rye had his own preference in the first place. Niles was [i]seeing[/i] Rye, and he wasn't trying to look away. Shaking fingers saved Niles phone number to a new contact, simply under the other boy's name instead of a nickname or pun like he usually does. When his brain wasn't broken from the way Niles spoke and the mix of excitement and nerves for their next interaction, he'd be able to think of a good one. Then, he returned to his messages and took a deep breath before typing and sending off his response. [quote] To: [color=#28b5e0]Niles [/color]😳 [color=#28e0af]Hey, thanks for reaching out![/color] [color=#28e0af]I don't do phone calls well so between text or video call[/color] [color=#28e0af]Whichever of those is better for you[/color] [color=#28e0af]Or if you want to wait for the dance that's fine too.[/color] [color=#28e0af]Oh![/color] [color=#28e0af]And you don't need to apologize, but thank you[/color] [/quote] Rye stared at his screen as his finger hovered over the send button, second guessing himself before he'd even gotten out the gate. Silence stretched between the two friends until Rye looked back up to JJ for the support he needed to click send. JJ shook his leg that she held onto with her feet. He would never know until he did it. What ifs, if things went differently, could be realities. This was Rye’s chance to make Niles a reality in his life, just like she was making Decky more and more an integrated part of her life. [color=#ff81c8]“Dooooo it. You got this. It isn’t like he’s going to say no. He reached out to you. [i]Remember[/i].”[/color] [color=#28e0af]“Yeah…I mean, yeah! Yeah you’re right,” [/color]Rye swallowed harshly before smashing his finger down on his screen. No going back now. He looked up to JJ for only a second, intent on using her to distract him until Niles replied, but his phone vibrated mere moments later. [quote]From: [color=#28b5e0]Niles [/color]😳 [color=#28b5e0]Video call tonight? I need to pick up my sisters from work, then we need to figure out dinner. But afterwards, I’ll be available. Does 8:30 work for you?[/color] [/quote] At this point, Jordyn was wiggling her eyebrows as she wore a devilish smirk. This was going smooth, better than smooth. Amazing! Maybe Niles wasn’t straight and maybe he did like her friend. Or maybe he was a good guy worried about the impression he left off. Whichever it was, it didn’t matter! Rye was making [i]progress[/i] and soon enough he’d be on everyday talking terms with his crush, outside of the library. Teasingly, JJ made a heart with her hands and danced in her seat.[color=#ff81c8] “♪ Niles and Rye sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. ♫”[/color] [color=#28e0af]“Oh yeah? Two can play at that,” [/color]Rye laughed with a blush high on his cheeks before giving her a devilish grin and going for the one shot kill.[color=#28e0af] “♪ Decky and JJ down by the creek, F-U-C-K-I-N-G. ♫”[/color] [color=#ff81c8]“Stoppppppp!” [/color]JJ’s genuine sweetness and innocence went from her heart to her own cheeks, immediately bringing her legs back from under the table. Decidedly, she retreated from the conversation by cleaning up the table.[color=#ff81c8] “Look who has a date tonight, not me!” [/color]She stuck her tongue out, not taking a cheap shot but still poking fun at him. Grabbing their trays, she rushed to the trash. Her bags, one tote with a Biggie mouse, were by her seat which meant she’d come back but only after she brushed off the embarrassment. The idea of sex made her nervous and it showed. Once she settled her heart, from the sudden change in pace, and calmed the butterflies in her stomach, she’d come back but for now Rye could sit in his own emotions, thinking about Niles. He deserved it. [color=#28e0af]“Aww man, too far,” [/color]Rye chided himself when JJ made her retreat while also being well aware that she was getting back at him in her own way when she didn’t come back immediately. Determined to apologize for pushing her boundary when she returned, Rye took his punishment on the chin and focused on forming a text back to Niles and sending it without her proofreading or encouragement. Fair’s fair. Leg bouncing up and down erratically, Rye’s fingers slowly tapped the screen as he thought far too much on a response that could have been a simple sure. Finally, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he hit send, only opening one back up to make sure he had succeeded and it had been sent off to his crush. [quote] To: [color=#28b5e0]Niles [/color]😳 [color=#28e0af]Yeah, totally! 😁I’ll be around, so just hit me up![/color] [color=#28e0af]Thanks again for reaching out 👍[/color] [color=#28e0af]Talk soon! 👋[/color] [/quote] [color=#28e0af]“...You [i]desperate[/i] motherfucker,” [/color]Rye groaned to himself after rereading the sent texts, dropping his forehead onto his hands and making the whole table shake in the process. Yeah, he used emojis a lot but one for each line was a bit embarrassing even for him, and now all he could think about were the shitty MLM spam messages that tended to read much the same way. See what happens when he’s left alone? This is why he needed his best friend! [/indent][/indent][/color]