[right][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qj8Wb8D.png[/img][/right] [h2][color=f26522][u]First Night, Kyoto Forest[/u][/color][/h2] Interacting With: [@Digmata] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [right][b][color=f26522]"Yeah... I heard them too Caster. That Constantine fellow doesn't know how to keep his trap shut. I'd rather not have him as an ally."[/color][/b][/right] She felt some secondhand resentment and anger on behalf of Rider's master. That one blunder had just hurt their odds of winning the war for no gain whatsoever. Just one teenager not treating this whole affair with respect. It made her huff and shake her head. Her familiar sat on a nearby rooftop, watching the servants below converse... Only for a Saber to appear to join in on the mess. This was starting to get a bit ridiculous. Rider had been trying to draw attention, but she had expected at least some of the other servants to find other places to show up. Three of the seven were there, and the fourth was observing it. As Caster used her Noble Phantasm to prepare their trump card against the two more physically powerful servants, she listened in on the conversation. The Familiar quietly grooms itself on the rooftop to try and blend in as just another random animal. Only to frown slightly as the Saber managed to catch Caster's own familiar out. [right][b][color=f26522]"I'm not sure it's a good idea while that Saber is around. They've seemed to catch your scent, as it were. You probably got a little too zealous with those spiders of yours..."[/color][/b][/right] What went unsaid was that the three people down there were "honorable" types. Odds are they'd take an intrusion to their duel as an insult and attack if they had prepared the battleground perhaps. Yet they had to go to them and drag them into a proper battlefield. It wasn't worth the risk. [right][b][color=f26522]"Focus on information gathering for now. We know what the other two are, and I think I can formulate strategies to defeat either Shielder or Rider by their lonesome. Together's much more difficult. Not counting the Saber. We focus on gathering information about them for now, as well as see if we can figure out if there's anyone else watching this mess. If you want to try and interfere, go ahead, just try to not put yourself into harm."[/color][/b][/right] With that, she'd direct her own Tanuki familiar to stand up from where it had groomed itself. Beginning to circle the area where they were going to fight. Trying to see if she could get eyes on anyone else that might be hanging around. Hopefully the servants were too busy with each other to pay it any mind. It'd be annoying to have to make another familiar so quickly.