[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240318/ed07ef29c0411f1b064478dccdcd2520.png[/img][/center] Julia did not even crack a smile as Xiang's mood lifted. Julia had been a relitavely chilled, approachable, pretty fun person to be around at the bar and subsequantly the house. But Julia's experiences in both E-street and prison and hardwired into her breain that casual relationships with friends never got mixed with business, and that when you were standing on ceremony, not even a hair was out of place. In this state, smiling and laughter were tools that should be used only when required. She turned to Eno and gave her a nod of respect. Profrssionals were another league. E-Street were all just punk kids with money. You got better by doing, by practice. It's only luck that lets you stay alive long enough to learn how to be a criminal [i]well[/i]. Nobody was ever trained in combat to a professional level. E-street were dangerous not because they were highly skilled, professional combatants, but because they had the manpower and numbers, access to big and expensive guns, were willing to kill, and did not fear death. When they arrivedat the SDS lounge, Julia was taken aback. She had literally never been in a room this large or well-lit. It probably would be calming if you were used to it but the white walls were making everything so bright it was almost hurting her eyes. She follows Xiang and looked at the jobs list. One immediate caught Julia'sattention. Escorting the charity van. She knew that charity. She remembered that name from her childhood. They helped out at the orphanage she'd grown up in. Of course, she remembered them ending the contract when she was thirteen, due to them discovering the orphanage was an E-street feeder, but she was still grateful to all they'd done when she was a little girl. [color=7893E7]"I'll take the escort job,"[/color] She replied, looking back up from the screen, to Xiang and Eno. [@Kumbaris]