Roughly Inspired by Robert de Hauteville and Götz von Berlichingen, still need to find the right image. [hider=Captain Roderic "Ironhand" Thorne] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Captain Roderic "Ironhand" Thorne [/b] | [b]29[/b] | [b]Human[/b] | | [b]Male[/b] | [b]6'4 feet[/b] | [b]212 lbs[/b] [/center] [b]Goal:[/b] Roderic's goal is rather simple, he wishes to gain a fief he can call his own and home. [b]History:[/b] Born in a small village in the province of Arrowfell Roderic was always an imposing man. He was a large baby, so large in fact that he made his first "kill" at the age of just a mere hours after Roderic's birth as his mother passed away in childbirth. His father a kind, loving man never blamed Roderic for this and thought Roderic the trade of being a hunter. It soon became clear where Roderic's skills lie, not in the bow but in the knife and later, the sword. Unfortunately, tragedy struck when one of the summer downpours coupled with thunder set fire to the village where Roderic was born in, leaving him without a place to call home. Thinking of himself as cursed Roderic set out to find a solution for himself. This would land him in a company of sellswords who just so happened to be wealthy enough to hire a fledgling mage. It was here it became clear Roderic was gifted in the ways of the arcane, the fledgling mage took him under his wing and taught him a bevy of ideas. Ideas that Roderic would absorb like a sponge. Roderic would soon enter the battlefield, the company being hired by Ludwig II to protect the border. Roderic proved himself a gifted warrior supported by his minute mastery of the arcane it was here he would find himself a home. The company of sellswords became his new family and for a while, this went great. This all changed when during a hectic ambush Roderic lost his dominant right hand. He left the company in search of a new goal in life. This is where he stumbled upon something truly bizarre. A hand of iron embedded with a small sapphire in the middle. Roderic took the hand and with his left hand, held it in front of his now stump of a right hand, and to his surprise, small bits of iron would shoot out attaching this newly found iron hand to his right stump. It functioned perfectly as a new hand and thus Roderic took up arms again, getting in contact with his old friend to form his own company, The Hands of Iron. [b]Seed:[/b] What looks like a glove is actually a fully iron hand embedded with a sapphire on the metacarpal. Its usage is simple, it can create a minute barrier around him that basically acts as a zone of anti-magic. During this Roderic cannot cast any spells himself. [b]Magic:[/b] x [b]Shield[/b]: Forms a simple shield around Roderic x [b]Summon Phantasmal Sword[/b]: Roderic can summon a sword out of thin air appearing in his hand of choice. x [b]Sparks[/b]: Roderic shoots small sparks of lightning from his hand x [b]Message[/b]: Allows Roderic to telepathically send a message to someone within his eyesight. x [b]Blink[/b]: Allows Roderic to teleport a short distance to a place he can see. x [b]Invisibility[/b]: Turns Roderic invisible for a short duration x [b]Ink[/b]: Basically acts as a sort of invisible ink that can only be seen by someone else casting this spell in the same way. x [b]Lightning Storm [/b]: Roderic summons a storm of lightning capable of wreaking havoc the same way a normal one can. I'm leaving 2 big slots open for now as Roderic wasn't exactly educated well in the ways of arcane, I plan to use these throughout the story by either upgrading other versions or creating new options. [b]Skills:[/b] x Swordfighting x Horse-back riding x Military Strategy x Leadership x Smithing x Espionage [b]Faction:[/b] His own band of sellswords, the Hands of Iron, other than being skilled in combat this company caters to many a request including but not limited to espionage, sabotage and magic support. [b]City:[/b] None yet...... [b]Assets:[/b] None [/hider]