[quote=@Theyra] Interested, and how does a leader of a knightly order with ties to the region work? Or maybe a surviving member of the former King's royal guard? [/quote] Great question. Knightly orders would have a strong connection with the Church, and follow the Three Tenants of the All-force: 1. Wipe out the denizens of the Dremora's Shade wherever you see them. 2. Allow prisoners a fair trial. Accept surrenders. 3. Be the benevolent light of the All-force in actions and words. There would be a ceremony done by the Wizard Queen in the presence of the Church to 'anoint' a knight, while promotions to leadership positions would be handled by the Church directly. In regards to having regional ties, it sounds like they'd be traveling from city to city based on written pleas from the dukes and duchesses there to handle organized crimes or any criminal/unexplainable activity that is too much for the local guards. Being a surviving member of the former king's royal guard also works. The surviving guard would have undergone many loyalty tests from the Wizard Queen. If they passed, they would have become her own royal guard. If they failed, they would end up in dead-end guard duty, or worse. The loyalty tests would tempt even the most devout man to betray the Wizard Queen, so the surviving guard would have to be either incredibly deceitful, or incredibly loyal to the royals to survive the tests. Both ideas work. A traveling knight offers more stories around the province, while a surviving royal guard would have more story opportunities with the Wizard Queen. It's up to you what you want to do! :) [hr] [@twannyman], you have a great character, I really like them. The only thing I want to clear up is that finding the iron hand seed would have to line up with the creation of the seeds in the Glasic Fields, which was two years before the start of the story. As long as you're okay with having the Hands of Iron being around for about two years, I think this will work really well. When you have found an image, please feel free to add them to the Character Tab. :)