[CENTER][h1][color=brown]Brutrumukk[/color][/h1][/CENTER] [color=CCCC22]"... I don't think I can take much more of this,"[/color] Jub said quietly before putting his face in his hands. [color=brown]"Ah don't you worry yerself, booyagh."[/color] Brutrumukk said as he began looking about. [color=brown]"I'm not sure why, but I've got this feelin' that this is meant to be some kinda break from everythin' what's 'appened so far. Aside from the giant smiley talkin' cat, things should 'opefully be a little calmer 'ere... Oi. What's that."[/color] As he had been speaking, Brutrumukk's gaze had wandered its way over to the fountain and noticed a patch of red among the blue water and grey stone. Brutrumukk moved to get a better look and saw a majestic red macaw perched on the lip of the fountain's bowls. [color=brown]"Ooo."[/color] Brutrumukk ooo'd in wonder. Remembering after a moment that he could speak to small beasts now that he was a gnome, Brutrumukk pulled out some rations and attempted to communicate to the macaw the idea that sitting on the gnome's shoulder would result in receiving food.