[quote=@LunarParadox] Interested. Thinking about a court mage, perhaps someone of lower birth who managed to rise up through talent/having a large base pool of life-energy. What role would someone of that rank play in court on a daily basis? [/quote] Hi Lunar, I love your idea. A court mage who rose up through the ranks would likely play the role as an advisor to the Queen, as well as playing apart of the royal guard in case the Queen needed defending. The Wizard Queen would very likely commission research and work for the court mage to do, and would be one of the Queen's preferred. Someone who rose up through the ranks would also be an object of jealousy from the other courtiers. Depending on what Faction you choose or create, this opens up a lot more options for you. In the case of the Wizard Queen, she was once a court mage who also ran the Theives Guild in a neighboring kingdom, before it was all destroyed. You have a lot of options, so it's all about how you want your story to look. How does all that sound? :)