[quote=@Izurich] [@Estylwen] Oh hey, this looks neat. I have an idea to pitch: My main character will be the daughter of a Lilim coven mistress who's enrolled in the College of Hathforth, at least that's what she seems to be, in truth, she also acts as a spy and informant for her mother and coven, who has vested interest in exerting control over the Glasic Fields. The coven are opportunists, they care not who sits on the throne as long as they can rule over the seeds. After all, they're Lilim, daughters of the arcane. And now, loredumping time, Lilim (plural and singular) are one of the many races of the world, they look almost indistinguishable from a Human to a layman's eyes. However, unlike humans, all Lilim are female (they can only bear daughters, which will be Lilim regardless of their father's race), notably more attractive on average compared to humans, and long-lived like the Elves. In general, they possess innate talent for the arcane arts, and in exchange, their physical prowess is quite subpar. From a meta perspective, design-wise, I basically took traits from Humans, Elves, and Succubi then mashed them into this ultimate 'male fantasy' abomination. Whaddya think? [/quote] Hello! I like your idea, it opens up a lot of opportunities for her to see how the Queen's court interacts with the college, and the types of research taking place there. I can also see the Wizard Queen and thr Lilim coven having [i]a lot[/i] to talk about in the coming future. The race concept is pretty neat too. I really like this idea and invite you to make a CS for her. :)