[color=ffb200][center][h2]Kanako Seiki[/h2][/center][/color] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: 1B Living room,[/sub][hr] [i]Long time no talk. We haven't talked since the Joint Training, although we lost, I do find you useful and not just your Quirk. I was the leader yet I got blindsided by my rivalry with Jun. It should be nice if I get to fight her again.[/i] Kanako read while she paced around the common room. She didn't really talk to [i]any[/i] of the other students, talking to people was too stressful most of the time. On the one hand, most people freaked out when they realized she could hear [i]all[/i] their thoughts when she used her quirk, on the other hand, writing or texting to communicate was a bit of a pain, and it wasn't like she could talk normally. But texting was still better than listening to her own thoughts during a paranoia spike. She texted him back, [i]Useful because of my unmatched wit, impeccable logic and quick thinking?[/i] She sat down on a couch in the common room and rested her head on her hand. [i][color=ffb200]Jeez, sarcasm is hard to convey in texts,[/color][/i] she thought. Her eyes had a far off look to them, like she was stuck in an old memory. Suspicion crept into her mind and she couldn't shake the paranoia this time. This was usually the kind of language people used when they wanted something from someone. Saying that he thought she was useful then pointing out his own shortcoming. The first point serving as a compliment of sorts, especially since Kanako valued being useful so much. The second point to get her to drop her guard by stating how he'd messed up. Kanako was nothing if not paranoid. The distant look in her eyes flicked away and she focused again on the conversation. [i]Spill it, what do you want?[/i] she texted. Her tone came across as passive aggressive, accidental or not. She definitely wasn't the most trusting person, she just normally wasn't this upfront about it. She was hoping that the suspicion was unwarranted and there was nothing to worry about, but at the same time she could come up with a hundred reasons to justify her suspicion. The paranoia never really left, it was always there in the back of her mind, a steady hum of possible lies, trickery, deceit, and betrayal. This was normal, it shouldn't be, but it was.