[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dIZt8Zr.png[/img] [h1]Advisor Eirwen Blackthorne[/h1] [b]32[/b] | [b]Half-elf[/b] | | [b]Male[/b] | [b]5'7[/b] | [b]150 lbs[/b] [/center] [b]Goal:[/b] Grow his own personal power and gather information - current loyalties shaken and undecided. Provide easier access to magic schooling to those outside of the ruling class. [b]History:[/b] Eirwen's birth was the unintended consequence of an affair between a poor human woman and a flighty elvish noble. Said noble had no use for an unplanned offspring from lowly roots, and so he and his mother were left to fend for themselves. Eirwen inherited no riches nor political power from the noble side of his family, but he did inherit something arguably more useful: an inherent talent for magic borne by an abnormally large pool of life-force...and, of course, the elvish propensity for good looks, which gave him a slight edge in manipulating situations to his advantage. It was his unprecedented skill that earned him a lucky scholarship at the College of Hathforth, then the attention of nobles who gave him jobs of increasing importance, and finally the notice of the Wizard Queen herself. He had always favored magic of the cold, though it was unclear whether this was merely preference or some condition granted alongside the gifts of his heritage. With sweet words and a cold heart he clawed his way up the ranks into her court, until he had at last secured a lofty position as a court mage and advisor to the Queen. The gift of a seed only propelled him further, allowing him to drown out the constant anxiety that plagued him beneath his calm facade. And yet he was still unsatisfied. He saw how the lower class languished under high taxes and poor opportunities, observed the backstabbing and treachery rampant in the court behind all the glamour and revelry. He owed the Queen much for the favor she'd granted him, and even moreso for the riches that kept his human mother happy in her old age. And yet, and yet...he couldn't help but whisper a secret here and there, play a chess piece in another's favor, subtly shift the winds away from the throne and towards something he hoped might be better... [b]Seed:[/b] 'The Empty Rose' is a small floral pin of silver-blue crystal. As frost numbs the skin, so does the rose numb the emotions of the wearer, stomping down any inconveniences such as anxiety or irritation. It is this seed that allows Eirwen to play the role he does so effortlessly, to act as if leading a performance upon a great stage; were he ever to lose it, so might he lose himself to the depths of fear and discontent. [b]Magic:[/b] 1. [b]Chill:[/b] A mild chilling effect sourced from the caster's hands. Useful for keeping drinks cold. 2. [b]Freeze Substance:[/b] Freeze liquids. Substances act as they would if frozen by normal means (e.g., if a substance cannot typically be frozen, the spell cannot do so either). 3. [b]Frostbite:[/b] A more severe version of Chill capable of severe harm to limbs, as the name implies. Like natural frostbite, this is a slower-acting spell that typically takes root over a span of roughly 30 minutes. Effects may be negated if the spell is broken during that initial time frame. 4. [b]Ice Shield:[/b] A variant of the standard shield spell. Creates a small, protective ice barrier around the caster or target. 5. [b]Frost Familiar:[/b] Create a small creature out of ice. Eirwen favors snakes. This minion does not possess intelligence or sentience of its own, but may be directed to complete simple tasks. 6. [b]Frost Weave:[/b] Extend cold, spiderweb-like tendrils from the fingertips. Can be used to manipulate small objects puppeteer style. Also useful for sewing shut small injuries. Invisible unless willed otherwise by the caster. 7. [b]Snowfall:[/b] Lowers the temperature and causes a nice little snowstorm in a limited area. This spell doesn't have much practical use, but it sure looks pretty! Sometimes used for flair during dances at the whims of the nobles. 8. (High Level) [b]Ice Golem:[/b] A larger, more dangerous version of Frost Familiar. Creates a being capable of following more complex commands and attacks. May take the form of a humanoid or beast; the chosen form is mainly for aesthetic purposes and does not affect intelligence or ability in any meaningful way. 9. (High Level) [b]Crystallize:[/b] Transform a living being into an ice sculpture. This is not fatal, but rather acts as a form of imprisonment; once the spell is broken, the victim returns in the same state they were prior to crystallization. This spell can also be enacted on the caster themselves as an extreme form of protection, as the subject cannot be harmed by outside forces while crystallized. This strategy is a double-edged sword, however, as the crystallized caster must then depend on an ally to break them out of their own spell. 10. (High Level) [b]Ice Storm:[/b] A high-level attack spell that calls large icicles to rain down from the sky within a targeted area. Generally effective in combat, but weak against fire spells of a similar level. The ground where the icicles have fallen turns into a slippery surface that may linger for an extended period of time, depending on outside factors such as weather. [b]Skills:[/b] • Horseback Riding • Tea Services • Magic Theory • Acting • Music (Cello) [b]Faction:[/b] The Society of Young Magic was officially one of learning. Here those with no money or connections could demonstrate their skills in a chance to earn a magical education they otherwise could never have afforded. It had started as a charitable move on Eirwen's part; his riches had grown exponentially since gaining the coveted position of an Advisor to the Queen, and thus he could finally afford to throw out a few scholarships here and there. An unintended side effect was that this slowly gained him the loyalty of several increasingly powerful allies who owed their ascent at least partially to him. And if they might occasionally whisper secrets in his ear, giving him access to more information than he really should have had...well, it was only mere coincidence, of course. He hadn't developed an information network that answered to himself instead of the Queen on purpose, but it would be foolish of him not to press an advantage when he had one...