[quote=@Memory] How will I find it if it's not recognizable? [/quote] [color=fff200][b]FOLLOW YOUR CALLING TO ADVENTURE AND GROWTH, IT IS NATURAL IN ALL CREATURES EVEN ME! AND AS SUCH YOU'LL KNOW WHEN YOU FIND IT![/b][/color] [quote=@Legend Begins] I'm not interested in the girl. Her father, yes, but he's not responsible for the meddling outside of this world. *Points a finger at Prism* You continue to leak your meddling outside of this world's boundaries. [/quote] [color=fff200][b]I WOULD THEN COUNTER YOUR ARGUMENT WITH THIS: YOUR WORLD STARTED "LEAKING" INTO MY WORLD FIRST, WITH ALL YOUR INTERDIMENSIONAL TRAVELLERS... CONSEQUENCES TO CONCEQUENCES! THINGS HAVE MOVED NOW FAR PAST ANYONE'S ABILITY TO STOP THE CHANGE, AND TRYING TO DO SO EITHER WAY WILL ONLY UNLEASH EVEN MORE DANGER AND IMBALANCE IN BOTH MULTIVERSES. TREAD CAREFULLY AND YOU SHOULD MOST CERTAINLY BE INTERESTED IN THE GIRL, AND VERY WEARY OF WHAT "A CHIP OFF THE OL' BLOCK" MAY DO. ANYAWY, I HAVE SETTLED EVERYTHING TO A SATISFACTORY LEVEL, IT IS TIME I RETURNED BEN TO HIS ORIGINAL STATE AND RETURN TO MY ABODE COMPLETELY. GOODBIE PASSIONATE ONES![/b][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*With that, a blinding flash of light envelops the entire beach, as only Soldier Boy (Benjamijn), Prism and Time Archer are left on the beach*[/i][/color] [color=fff200][b]Soldier boy:[/b][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*i proceed to barf on the sand and then turn around to avoid the puddle and fall on the sand*[/i][/color] uuuuuuugggh.... when is all this cosmic mind cracking crap going to stooooooppp?!?!? [color=0076a3][i]*I moan exhausted*[/i][/color]