[quote=@ERode] Right, wanted to confirm some things, Est. For one, the Wizard Queen has only been in power for two years, yes? And the Seeds themselves have only existed for two years as well? There were no Seeds found elsewhere in the past? For the Seeds themselves, do they run off their own power, or their wielder’s life force? I’m guessing that their natural state is that of a crystal, and it’s only through craftsmanship that they become accessories and such? Can Seeds possess multiple powers/abilities? Is it basically a gacha roll to determine what specific ability a Seed possesses? And how would Seeds interact with magic? Does one overcome the other, or are they technically not even the same thing, leading to a situation where some just don’t work together? [/quote] Yep! The Wizard Queen came into power two years ago, and the Seeds have only been around for two years. There may have been other artifacts, like enchanted staffs and whatnot, but no Seeds. Seeds run off their own power. I imagine one day in the future they may die like a battery, or need recharging, but that wouldn't happen for at least a hundred years. Yep, their natural state is a crystal, and crafters like jewelers are able to shape them and put them in jewelery and other accessories. A Seed is able to possess multiple powers and abilities as long as they are related to one another. And yes, while most seeds are simply good luck charms, the rarer ones possess extraordinary abilities, just like a gacha roll. There is no way to change or affect what abilities a seed has, unfortunately. Seeds are a type of magic, and one magic can affect the other. For example, if you have a seed that can generate a shield of anti-magic, any magic attacks are null and won't work. If you have a seed that can summon monsters from Dremora's Shade, those monsters can still be affected by regular magic, such as the white magic of the Church. I wouldn't say one is more powerful than the other, and it's a case-by-case thing on how magic and seeds would interact with each other. Does that answer your questions alright? [quote=@Click This] I've been out and busy basically the whole day, but I plan to start working on my idea tomorrow. This might sound somewhat familiar for some of y'all, but I'm planning on a mercantile duchess, a woman whose money and power comes directly from her own trading businesses and her powers of logistics. Her city would accordingly be particularly suited for trade, and her faction would either be her own personal trading company or some sort of similar consortium. [/quote] That sounds great, I can't wait to see it. Definitely let me know the particular specialities they have. For example, Hathforth's speciality is pearls. Arrowfell is large enough to have two or more major trading hubs, so having another trading hub besides Hathforth is alright. [quote=@ERode] Probs a good time to ask how big the province is, ye. And then we can follow up with asking for a world map huhuhu. [/quote] Arrowfell is fairly large, fitting at least 7-8 major cities within it. I will work on a world map and share it later today. :) [quote=@Theyra] I forgot to mention, I meant to play as a rebel, and would my previous ideas still work? Or at least maybe a character possible from the former king's court or maybe a magical sect or organization that was allowed to take up residence in the region thanks to the king. However, if I do that, then the leader would be an orc mage and I am not sure if that would fly. [/quote] Yes, your previous idea would still work. It just means the Wizard Queen will be more suspicious of you, but won't do anything against you... yet. Any sect created by the late King would have to go into hiding, as the Wizard Queen would have dismantled or grandfathered any sects into her own design. So I think you'd either report to the Wizard Queen, or keep your origins secret. I think reporting to the Wizard Queen isn't terrible, as it allows you closer access to act as a spy, if you so wish to. An orc mage would absolutely fly. Do my suggestions still work for the character you're imagining?