As Fellwing followed after Garrock, she'd once again note he has a surprising amount of speed and grace for a dragon of his size and age. He very quickly barrels through the hallways, not stopping to even nod at any dragon who passes him by, so it doesn't take him long to exit the Snouthold. Once he's out the door, he does briefly pause to re-orientate himself as he tries to recall the directions Skobeloff had given him. After a moment, he decides it would be easier to take to the skies to survey the area, and after a short run quickly takes flight. Fellwing can still see him from the ground, thankfully, but following on foot it going to present its own challenges. [hider=OOC]Fellwing needs to roll for Traverse the Wilderness. Details for the move can be found in the first post of the OOC under the hider "Unique Moves". You also get a +1 to the roll because you're using Garrock in the sky to help with navigation.[/hider] [hr] Rudrick took a step forward, likely to intervene in Lazward's attack against the plants, when Skobeloff made his dramatic entrance, causing the bearded dragon to stumble back slightly in surprise. [color=8D3A19]"Moons above!"[/color] he exclaims, holding up claw to where his heart would be. A moment later, he gives a laugh. [color=8D3A19]"You certainly are full of surprises, young one."[/color] He raised an eyebrow as the trickster addressed him, listening to him relay his conversation with Garrock. [color=8D3A19]"Giant... spiders?"[/color] He looked confused - and even a little concerned - but eventually he nodded his head. [color=8D3A19]"I'll be there, then."[/color] He addressed the rest of the room. [color=8D3A19]"I'll be back."[/color] He then exited the room. His sudden departure caused Lazward to briefly pause in his actions as he glanced over towards the door. [color=29465B]"What was that about?"[/color] He then glanced over at the drakes in his room, acknowledging them for the first time. [color=29465B]"And who are you guys?"[/color]