[Center][h2][color=39b54a]Beigeiros[/color][/h2][/center] It had been quite a long week for Beigeiros. Finding out his home had simply disappeared with no known reason left him in a dazed stupor of denial and doubt. How could such a place just dissappear. The next few days went by with him gathering more information and hearing much of the same information as before. Lissandra had approached him three days ago and shared information about a new portal, and that someone was wanting to go to Tir Na Og, or at least where it should be. When Beigeiros stepped into the market district of Sigil, he was overwhelmed by how crowded it was. Sure he had spent the last week in Sigil, he was still ready to be back out in the wilds out of the towns. There might be little out there but it is where home and family are. He paused mid stride to look around the market while he mentally corrected himself. Home and family were in the wilds of the Outlands. They had disappeared in his time in Sigil. That alone left him to wonder why and if his being out of Tir Na Og had to do with his purpose in life. Shortly after entering the market, Beigeiros spotted the woman, Lissandra if he remembered correctly, waving rather frantically to someone else in the market. He knew at least one other would be meeting with her and that was likely the person Lissandra had noticed first and was waving over. Moving through the crowd, Beigeiros caught sight of someone else walking up to Lissandra. He also noted two men looking disappointed and walking away from the tall human woman. Keeping to a moderate pace, not wanting to run through the crowd while in full gear, Beigeiros arrived just as the other woman greets Lissandra. [Color=39b54a]"Greetings Lissandra."[/color] Beigeiros said with a smile and a wave. [Color=39b54a]"How is the day treating you?"[/color]