[color=ed1c24][b][h2][CENTER]Kaiga Asagumo[/CENTER][/h2][/b][/color] [hr] [sub][color=00aeef]Location[/color]: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture [/sub] "[color=ed1c24]Ah sorry...for lashing out[/color]" Jaku city was always a sore spot around Kaiga he had only told one other person he was from there [i]Ria[/i], he never wanted to talk about it and he was prone to getting quite aggressive when it was mentioned but this misplaced aggression had hurt someone that wasn't what a hero did so he would apologize and agree to help Yusuke. Not only because Zealous was there but because making amends with others was the right thing to do. "[color=ed1c24]Sure I would like to help out, I guess I am kind of curious.[/color]" Kaiga calmed down and went to his dorm closing it quietly instead of hard and then he had his realization he had to smile no matter what happened he would keep on smiling, but then his hawk pad got a beep. Someone new had moved to class 1-B probably another person from 1-A, ugh he at least hoped they weren't that bad most of 1A were assholes the person moving to class 1-B is Ria Himura...RIA was coming to 1-B his luck couldn't get any better and it said, she'd be paired up with Mawatari-San. Hmmm, he knew where her dorm was located so he should visit her they were the best of friends after all, and he needed to change out of his uniform clothes opening his closet he got out his casual clothes. [hider=Casual clothes] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f7/91/da/f791da625f11b5d79bf406d7c4c7b062.jpg[/img] [/hider] If anyone saw Kaiga's casual outfit they would say it was unsuited for him considering his quirk, they would hold heat and steam without being able to effectively discharge it, and this could result in burns or overheating so there would be no logical reason for him to wear it. They would be right he didn't wear it for any logical reason. It was his older brother's clothing the only one he could save from disintegration wearing it made him feel safe...he quickly changed out of his hero costume into casual clothing, he dressed before leaving the dorm but yelled to Yusuke "[color=ed1c24]I'll be heading off for a while call me when we're going after Zealous message[/color]" he called out before quickly leaving the dorm. Dashing through the halls swerving between students who were yelling at him the only thing on his mind was greeting Ria eventually he reached her door panting and filled his hair filled with sweat, he wouldn't have ran around the dorms like this for anyone but her *DING* As the door opened he gave a smile before greeting "Nice to see you again Ria-San" forgoing the last name tradition they were extremely close after all.