[color=f26522][h2]Togrash[/h2][/color] [hr] The two Pastarans rushed in tandem. But Togrash was prepared, and blocked both strikes simultaneously, catching their fists in the palms of his hands. [color=f26522]"Trivial."[/color]. He tightened his fists, crushing the fists of the hapless Pastaran footsoldiers. With a rush of force, he pulled the pair in towards each other; the pair knocked against each other and stumbled back in a daze. A collection of Ki amassed, flowing through the Capsa-jin's right arm. The air around the orange-red glow rippled as heat emitted from it. Togrash thrust the energized arm forth, unleashing a fire-like stream of energy upon his disoriented adversaries. When the wave came to pass, the pair was left a heap of unrecognizable tar. [color=f26522]"They tried to hold me,[/color] he spoke back to Gezoto. [color=f26522]But my power is sufficient for this.[/color] He pressed the communicator switch on his scouter and replied to Rhubari. [color=f26522]"I don't hold back; you know that.[/color] He quickly stopped a trio of tanks with a [color=f26522][i]Scorch Dome[/i][/color] and followed suit with his leader, flying to the city and commencing to clear the structures nearest to him. He was preparing to dismantle a battlement when his scouter alerted him to the approach of power levels higher than the troops he and his squad had been dealing with until that point. He stopped in his own tracks, pinpointing the direction from which the powers were coming. [color=f26522]"We have higher powers incoming. I'm moving to intercept."[/color] He ascended, and made a beeline towards the far end of the city, evading blaster fire from the ground below and nearby rooftops. According to the read of his scouter, the pair of powers en route to the city, while formidable together, would be manageable for him alone; it was just the kind of challenge he needed.