Noel's radio crackled to life, and a baritone voice began to speak in accented Filipino, "Lieutenant Alonso" do you read?" Noel answered, "Loud and clear." As the voice introduced himself, Noel was able to pin down the accent: Indonesian. "This is Obsidian Volunteer Sastro Sewojo with the 220th airlift wing. If you're feeling friendly, you can call me Sam. We got word from Manila that things had gone a little sideways at your meet-and-greet. Need a lift, lieutenant?" Noel answered, "Yes, Volunteer Sewojo; not just for us, but the Philippine Delegation. Maybe even other ASEAN members if we really need to." "Phnom Penh International is about 45 minutes due west of your current location, if traffic is light," Sam began. "Of course, if there's any Cambodian police barricades or Chinese Arms Masters between you and the airport, that might slow you down just a tad." His voice remained upbeat, but not flippant; while positive, an underlying firmness showed that he understood the seriousness of the situation. "If that is untenable, I can think of two more options: If the roof and perimeter is secure, we can try and land on the roof. But all the international and Cambodian personnel on the site could be a problem. Additionally, staying put opens the door for them to send more personnel while you're cooped up or - God forbid - hit the building with an airstrike." Sam allowed a brief pause. "Plan C, if you happen to have a Master that manipulate water or temperature - or can commandeer a boat, would be to float or freeze your way out onto the Mekong near the convention center to your north and east. We can pick you up there, but flying at that low of an elevation comes with risks. All-in-All, it's your call Lieutenant." Noel answered, "We no longer have an ice-user or anyone like that. But we can try and pick up a boat..." In a measured but still enthusiastic voice, Sam switched to English, "Copy that, we'll see you there. I'll check in with you once we're approaching the city proper. Good luck." [color=0076a3][i]Made in collaboration with [@Letter Bee][/i][/color]