[quote=@Click This] That map helps a lot. I'm tempted to place my character's city on that island by Althius... Is the system in the kingdom a strictly feudal one, with lesser nobles under the dukes and duchesses? What would the territorial extent of a duke or duchess be? I'm assuming the city is just the seat of power, but how much of the surrounding land and villages does the average one hold? [/quote] You're right. I have the hierarchy set up with the Wizard Queen presiding over the province, and Dukes/Duchesses presiding over their cities, with viscounts and barons having lesser power in those cities, paying respects to both the Duke/Duchess and the Queen. I would say the Duke/Duchess is almost like a petty king/queen, or like a jarl. The main difference being in Arrowfell that the Dukes/Duchesses are expected to attend court when the Queen calls them, and the cities are far more connected and controlled, as the Queen likes to keep her cities close, and can feel when a city starts to stray and harbour ill will, as is the case of Odenfield. The city is the seat of power, and typically presides over the farmland surrounding a city. This can be as far a 1-3 hours of walking distance, depending on the city. Villages usually have a leader or representative that travels to Hathforth to ensures taxes are maintained. Does that answer your question alright? Also, the island is a great place to put your city. :) [quote=@ERode] Heheh. [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/T7fU0RWWhWpYk/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952fvj4wbe24z0xz1rr1iuricxs4jtbjt3o89mtt97t&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] About to do this to Hathforth. [/quote] Hahaha, not if the Wizard Queen has anything to say about it. >:D